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There’s a plague seeping into amazing people’s psyche. There’s a good chance it’s already infected you. And once it latches onto you, it traps you into a mediocre, spiteful life.
What’s this plague?… READ MORE

The popular saying “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is dead wrong. The real saying should be “it’s not who you know, it’s who knows you.” 
That subtle little change of phrase has made people just like you multi-millionaires.READ MORE

Most people try to “cheap” their way to wealth. They nickel and dime every transaction. They only buy new things when they’re on sale. And they waste hours of their time looking for free online courses and books instead of footing the bill.… READ MORE

I made a MASSIVE mistake…
I NEVER shared what I reveal in this episode with you. And I’m sorry it’s taken this long.
The scaling hacks you’ll discover in this episode unlocked tens of millions of dollars for me many times over.… READ MORE

Most entrepreneurs like to feel like the king dingaling. They pretend they’re at the top of their game because it’s comfortable.
But in reality, they’re scared to death of growth.
Look, I get it.… READ MORE

Too many people do everything they can to make themselves more efficient. They buy the fancy CRMs, schedule every 15 minutes in their calendar, and listen to podcasts at 2x speed. 
But these people are almost always broke. READ MORE

Most people shy away from their ugly past because it embarresses them. 
I just had this conversation with a former drug addicted turned multi-million dollar real estate investor. He’s never shared his story with anyone because it humiliates him. READ MORE

I have bad news: 
You have been brainwashed. By your teachers. By your parents. By your friends. By your business partners. And by everyone else you love. 
You think you must have permission to make a decision.READ MORE

There’s one decision I see many entrepreneurs make all the time and it breaks my heart. 
Because this decision is lethal. It murders your dreams. Siphons your energy. Sucks your soul out of your body.READ MORE

People always ask me if they can be a fly on the wall while I make millions from my home. They think they’d learn about business from what I do, but they’d learn far more from what I don’t do.
I don’t fill my calendar with pointless 15-minute meetings all day.… READ MORE

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