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There’s one decision I see many entrepreneurs make all the time and it breaks my heart. 
Because this decision is lethal. It murders your dreams. Siphons your energy. Sucks your soul out of your body.READ MORE

People always ask me if they can be a fly on the wall while I make millions from my home. They think they’d learn about business from what I do, but they’d learn far more from what I don’t do.
I don’t fill my calendar with pointless 15-minute meetings all day.… READ MORE

Balance is a word that makes people feel good. But it comes with a dangerous cost: Your legacy.
Here’s the cold, hard truth:
Most people use balance to justify their lack of action and results. They say they’re balanced so they don’t feel like a broke loser.… READ MORE

There’s one piece of advice I can give to everyone which let’s them dump gasoline on their dreams and surpass their wildest dreams 100 times over.
This “secret” works whether you’re already a multimillionaire or if you only have $1,000 in your bank account.… READ MORE

Everyone says they want to grow their business. But they’re scared to “waste” money on marketing. 
Here’s the cold, hard truth: 
Your business days are numbered if you don’t “waste” money on marketing.READ MORE

You have the same 24 hours as Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, and Elon Musk. Why are they all billionaires while you struggle to make your first million?
Because they know how to buy time. All high-level entrepreneurs understand how to do this.READ MORE

Society brainwashed you. Your parents brainwashed you. The school system brainwashed you. And our government brainwashed you. 
Here’s the problem: 
Sociopaths lurk everywhere. They’re in schools, governments, and corporations.READ MORE

Everyone says they want to grow their business, but they never take the steps to make it possible. What got you to where you are now can’t take you where you want to go.
Here’s what that means:
You have to change your thoughts if you want to create generational wealth.… READ MORE

What would happen to your business, family, and finances if you couldn’t work for 12 months? 
Would you survive, thrive, or go bankrupt? 
Here’s the cold, hard truth: 
If you couldn’t survive without working for a year, you’re not a man.READ MORE

You either control your emotions or you let your emotions control you. Most business owners fall into the second category. 
That’s why they’re always fuming, stressed out, and riddled with anxiety every minute of the day.READ MORE

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