You can make a lot of excuses about why you’re not a millionaire. Whether you’re too young, too inexperienced, or don’t have enough capital to invest.
But they’re only excuses at the end of the day.… READ MORE
Most people try to hide all of their flaws when they’re on sales calls. Not only does this erode trust in your company and product, but it’s not even an effective way to sell.
Truth is, transparency has always sold better than perfection.… READ MORE
All of the most successful entrepreneurs had humiliating failures at some point in their career.
The difference between becoming wildly successful or experiencing embarrassing failures?
Your fears.… READ MORE
Facebook Groups can be one of the best ways to promote yourself, figure out what your clients want, and make it rain on your bank account. But most people don’t understand the right way to build a Facebook Group that makes money. … READ MORE
Being a great leader means you have to do counterintuitive things. For example, today’s guest, John Salajka learned that while pushing people hard achieved massive results, it also undermined his team and made them quit. … READ MORE
Most entrepreneurs try to avoid pain. But this will only create a mountain of suffering that could sabotage everything you’ve worked so hard to build.
Almost everything you do as an entrepreneur is painful.… READ MORE
Most people give up on their dreams when they meet an obstacle. But the most successful entrepreneurs actively seek out obstacles because they realize opportunity hides behind obstacles.
But you can’t see these opportunities when you’re neck deep in busy work that doesn’t pay your bills.… READ MORE
Most entrepreneurs claim that they’ve always had an “entrepreneurial spirit” even as kids. While this sounds great for them, it could make you feel like you’re destined for a corporate life of misery if you didn’t run a lemonade stand empire by the time you were 8.… READ MORE
When we work with clients, it’s easy to tell them what they should do even if it’s not the best path for them. This is something Lance Hazzard, a certified executive coach of Fortune 100 companies, calls “Shoulda Podding.”
Not only does this turn them away from your solutions, but it can make them resent you. … READ MORE
It takes a team effort to win a championship in sports. But ask any successful sports team and they’ll tell you that winning a championship isn’t the goal, it’s the reward.
The goal is to get better every single day — regardless of what obstacles you face.… READ MORE