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If you’re a regular listener of this show, you know it’s usually about high-level strategies. The “do this, then that” tactics are usually reserved for paying customers.
But to celebrate episode 100 of the Financial Advisor Marketing podcast, James answered questions from financial advisors live on stream.… READ MORE

If you want to be better, wealthier and more successful than any of your competitors, you can’t market yourself like your competitors. Most financial advisors do the same thing: They trumpet stock market commentary all over social media and chat up strangers about their finances at networking meetings. READ MORE

When you think of businesses that stand in your way, you probably think about competitors. And it’s easy to box out a financial advisor, especially when they can’t market themselves.
But right now, a big tech behemoth is threatening to kill your marketing strategy: Google.… READ MORE

Most financial advisors dream of an independent life, passive income and freedom. But screwed-up priorities set by other people keep them from getting there.
The wrong priorities can ruin every business.… READ MORE

If you want to reach your ideal clients online, you probably won’t find them dancing the Macarena on TikTok. Professionals are on LinkedIn, making connections that could benefit them.
But, like any social network, LinkedIn wants to make money—which means it’s cutting down your reach and making it more expensive to reach your ideal prospects.… READ MORE

Wealthy people are the best clients for financial advisors: You make higher commissions and you can leverage their assets to get bigger returns on their investment.
But if you spew your take on a Delaware paper mill stock on social media, you won’t have the Forbes 500 list knocking on your door.… READ MORE

Most financial advisors start their practice thinking they’ll work a few hours per day, make six figures and spend the rest of the day smoking cigars on the golf course before enjoying family movie night.… READ MORE

Most marketing strategies suck even when they get you clients. Nobody enjoys harassing strangers with aggressive cold-calling scripts. Getting blocked on LinkedIn a hundred times per week after pitching in the first message?… READ MORE

It’s nice to make a client, lead or prospect feel good. When they thank you for your advice and tell you how helpful you are, it brings a smile to your face.
But if you chase acceptance, you’ll never have a roster of clients who appreciate you.… READ MORE

Marketing strategies are a dime a dozen. There are thousands of them in online marketing alone. But on the internet, strategies lose effectiveness quickly. If you listen to the wrong people and follow outdated advice, you won’t attract the clients you want.… READ MORE

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