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M&A integration is not fair.
It demands excellence from you as a leader and your team.
But it also weakens your company during the integration process.
You need enough reserves to cover potential drawbacks, and flawless communication with your team, while you get across your company culture to a mass of new people.… READ MORE

Some sales leaders coach in “firefighting mode.” They offer coaching only when a performance problem arises and they expect better behavior and great results to follow.
But the change doesn’t come and the results don’t improve.… READ MORE

Most investors start their investing journey with single family homes.
But there’s a massive problem with traditional single-family homes:
They require lots of effort and resources, and generate shockingly low levels of cash flow.… READ MORE

The old way of doing real estate deals can take months to do.
You know the drill – stacks of paperwork and dealing with multiple middlemen.
This snail-like speed slows cash coming into your account as time kills all deals.… READ MORE

Corrupt attorneys, judges, and officials are always trying to take advantage of you. They complicate law, so you rely on them. Then they drag things out to siphon more money out of you.
But you don’t need to understand all the laws, have an attorney, or even start your trial to win your case.… READ MORE

One important question I like to ask women in my coaching program is this – What would you do if you could do anything?
What’s the change you’d like to see in the world?
The answer is always a variation of ‘I want to help people.’
And whether young, old or in midlife, the universal desire to be of service is rooted in our DNA.… READ MORE

Imagine if you cloned yourself, and this cloned version of yourself never got hungry, tired, or stopped working.
Well, not only is this possible, but it’s the only proven route to growing both your business and your freedom.… READ MORE

The easiest way to succeed in life is by learning from what’s already successful, rather than trying to create something entirely new.
This principle also applies to your business.
Because truth be told, no entirely new strategies or techniques.… READ MORE

Unless you’re an accountant you probably enjoy finances about as much as getting a root canal.
But you know ignoring the finances in your business and household just sets you up for disaster. Refusing to pay attention to it will lead to problems eventually.… READ MORE

Every business owner encounters three major challenges.
Recruiting, limiting beliefs & having a consistent flow of clients… The surprising fact is that most people don’t even realize how the first two are blocking them from scaling their business…

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