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Once upon a time, there were two little rosebushes named Danielle and
Their story is at first tragic.
However… once you understand the secret buried within, it will make you ECSTATIC.
Because at last… you’ll know the secret to getting EVERYTHING you desire.READ MORE

In this episode, we’re back answering your questions! Listeners wrote in and we recorded the questions they’ve always wanted to ask us – everything from wealth building strategies to forging mental fortitude.READ MORE

Since you began your investing business, you’ve probably noticed that today’s economy changes at such a rapid pace that it’s hard to keep up at all.
If you don’t build the right skills, what you learn today evaporates tomorrow.  READ MORE

In this ‘informal’ episode of The Smartest Guys in Marketing ™, we’re answering your questions about everything from wealth management, energy protection, and the main reason why people never respond to your marketing content.READ MORE

What are you waiting for?
I asked my good friend Aggie Burnett, co-founder of Nomaterra fragrances, what she was waiting for to get to the next step in her business.
Since her early 20’s, she’s nourished relationships with beauty brands through good ol’ fashioned networking: asking questions, following up, and taking notes.… READ MORE

When you’re on your A game with the things in your life that fill you with energy and purpose, it can be an amazing feeling. But if you don’t take time to breathe once in awhile, what used to energize you can eventually take an ugly turn.READ MORE

As a business owner, you’ve seen all sorts of “experts” with rented sports cars dispense advice on how to make millions (preferably in the next few months).
You probably hate the empty promises and hyped-up claims as much as anyone.… READ MORE

If you’ve ever been drunk, you’d probably agree that working while drunk but would be risky—at best. Still, many financial advisors have lifestyles that make them work as if they were drunk.
In this episode, you’ll hear all about how to maximize your productivity and work with a clear mind so you can claim your success fast.… READ MORE

Your patients are the lifeblood of your practice. Without them, you’re not making any money or impacting any lives.
That’s why it’s so heartbreaking to see them leave, whether they decided to not work with you (anymore) or chose a different treatment.… READ MORE

When you’re stuck in a bad situation, it can be all too easy to never attempt escape – even when the prison doors are left wide open.
Learned helplessness keeps us stuck in jobs we hate and holds us back from seeing our dreams through to reality – but this behavior can be unlearned.READ MORE

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