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Mental toughness.
The ability to push through difficult situations and win battles that people will never see us fight – all while maintaining peak performance. It’s what separates the elite from the average, and the only way to develop this muscle is through training and hard work.… READ MORE

You can have the prettiest business cards and the fanciest websites, but a financial advisor’s business runs on clients. And whether you’re brand-new or just going through a slump, this episode will help you get more clients.… READ MORE

Whether you’re a parent, take care of loved ones or just want to make a difference in the world, you probably love to make an impact on other people’s lives by giving–whether that’s your time, money or something else.… READ MORE

Becoming a successful chiropractor is not only hard, but can be overwhelming at times. Sometimes, you’re so wrapped up in the day-to-day that it’s hard to see the bigger picture and the steps you need to take for your next evolution.… READ MORE

The concept of addiction is clouded with countless misconceptions, assumptions, and ideas making it increasingly difficult to really understand what somebody is going through. There are hundreds of myths floating around, but today, we’re going to challenge your thinking and consider what if we’re all wrong?… READ MORE

When there’s something wrong with your health, you probably go to the doctor—because the doctor knows what’s best for you, right?
Some of the time, yes. But other times, this conventional approach and the medical establishment’s recommendations won’t help you or even make the problem worse.… READ MORE

Some investors have years of experience in the real estate industry before ever going out on their own. It’s no big surprise if their businesses take off quicker than others.
But most investors have different backgrounds.… READ MORE

Multiplying your efforts is the key to quantum leaps in your impact and the amount of money you can make.
At the end of the day, there’s only so much YOU can do. So if you want to dramatically increase the amount of money you can earn, you need to multiply your efforts – that way you can take one action that leads to amplified results in the future.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover…

What you can learn from high school football practices about becoming a better golfer (ignore this and your practice might make you worse with every stroke). (1:08)
The 5 worst thoughts that ruin practices–even making technical mistakes doesn’t sabotage your game as much as these.READ MORE

You’ve heard it from a lot of successful people: Serve your purpose, live your passion.
But most of us have regular jobs and financial obligations that don’t give us the luxury of this type of thinking.… READ MORE

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