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“Will AI replace my Job?”
“Will I be out of business with these recent AI developments?”
Tens of people have asked me the same questions repeatedly.
And if I’m being honest, AI and robots are going to replace many people, replace a lot of jobs, even replace a lot of businesses.… READ MORE

Most people end up paying more than necessary when they buy a blue collar business.
But here’s the secret: You can actually acquire a business for free!
No money upfront, no risks involved—it’s like a cheat code known by only a few.… READ MORE

Most financial advisors, while good at their craft, are terrible with the ins and outs of running a business.
Today’s guest, Brandon Neely, owner of Wealth Wisdom Financial, is the complete opposite.… READ MORE

After years in a marriage, sex can come to a complete halt. The initial spark vanishes, and can’t be found anywhere.
But most dads handle this situation in a way that completely ruins their chances of getting laid.… READ MORE

When everything goes wrong in life, it’s easy to throw in the towel. The obstacles seem too great and it feels like everyone is against you.
But every successful person has ups and downs. The difference is whether you use your problems to prosper (or tear you down).… READ MORE

The FAA is one of the largest government agencies in the United States. And, as you are aware, anything associated with the government moves at a snail-like speed.
Which means…
Your review can take as long as 6 months—and that’s if you are lucky enough to understand their complicated process.… READ MORE

Repaying loans can be tough.
Because it involves extra planning, effort, and monthly payments that strain your finances. Many people struggle to keep up…
But guess what? I have a solution for you!… READ MORE

Here’s something that will make you challenge everything you believe you know:
The real reason why there’s so much anxiety, or depression, or pain, or frustration, or stress, or fear, or anger in your life is NOT because something’s broken inside you.… READ MORE

While sexual attractiveness is important for a healthy relationship, most men overvalue how important it is. This, as a result, makes them more likely to sabotage their relationships.
Because it directly violates the one “trump card” for sexual attractiveness to women.… READ MORE

Pursue righteousness and find prosperity – Proverbs 21:21
The Bible is the world’s most underrated finance book.
In fact, Christianity makes the importance of your finances for your spiritual well being crystal clear.… READ MORE

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