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“Maybe I just don’t know enough about driving traffic.”
Every marketer has that feeling sooner or later.
And every other day some wannabe guru is hawking another course.
They all promise the same thing.… READ MORE

Building an online business is a simple process but it’s not as easy as most people make it out to be.
One of the biggest hurdles you’ll face when growing your online business lies between your ears.READ MORE

“Tii-iii-iii-iiime is on my side. Yes it is!”
What’s up Unlocking Your Inner Strength listener? Do you ever feel like time is against you? Do you wonder where time goes even when you are trying to make the most of it to get things done?READ MORE

When to Stop And Smell The Roses
If you’re an entrepreneur or business owner, you might find it hard taking time off for yourself. It’s easy to become obsessed with pushing the needle forward and forgetting about the hours passing by.READ MORE

Whether you’re a seasoned expert or just starting out in fundraising, the chances are you’re going to experience mistakes and setbacks. In today’s episode, James is joined by his brother Jonathan to share the 5 most common marketing mistakes and how you can prevent your fundraising efforts from becoming fundraising failures.READ MORE

Feeling stuck is a common struggle for jewelry makers trying to grow from side-hustle seller to full-time jewelry designer.
It seems like we’re getting a lot of questions about this lately from our online groups and comments.… READ MORE

We’re bombarded with over 14,000 marketing messages a day.
The marketing onslaught continues 24/7.
It’s inescapable.
Ads follow us around in the malls, on TV, on radio, on the parking lot, in the kitchen, in the bathroom and even in bed.… READ MORE

Have you ever been thrown off balance when you were asked, “What kind of salary are you looking for…” and you didn’t know how to answer?
Being able to react (and answer!) the salary question professionally is yet another way to make a strong impression and convey your value and your confidence in your abilities.READ MORE

The newest podcast episode is locked and loaded on my site. It’s about 10 resources marketers can use to both make more sales and pick up more chicks.… READ MORE

If you ever want to be truly humbled about your status as a human being… just take a look at your dog.
Pound for pound, your dog is much stronger and faster than you.
As a predator he’s a much more efficient killer than you.… READ MORE

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