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Without headaches or hassles

What do JFK, cardio equipment and and breakfast cereals have in common? On the surface, you might think, nothing! But mention any of these and it’s a good way to get my immediate attention. Why? Because I love a good conspiracy theory.READ MORE

Email inbox getting out of hand?
You’re not alone!
One way to connect with customers in a non-email way is setting up Facebook Messenger automatic replies…or bots!
Like robots.
Yes, we have arrived to the future of business and it’s filled with automation because time is so important!… READ MORE

As an online business, deciding which communication channels to use can be challenging. Many businesses try to ‘do it all’ and are shocked and confused when they don’t get the results they’d hoped for.READ MORE

She might not be ready to go all the way.
Say the wrong thing, and you lose her forever.
You’ve got to start where she is.
Then lead her to the climax.
Coax your prospect from total stranger to satisfied client by taking her through the 5 stages of prospect seduction.… READ MORE

Most executives and professionals are uncomfortable tooting their own horn at work. They don’t want to brag or don’t want coworkers to think they’re putting others down by promoting themselves.
But the simple truth is, you DO need to self promote if you want to stay relevant for new opportunities.READ MORE

The newest podcast is up and standing by, patiently waiting for you to listen to it. It’s about how to use the ancient martial arts principle of startled force to solve all your money problems.… READ MORE

How do you know your online marketing is working?
I’m talking with designers almost every day, hearing things like,
“I never know what’s working…” or “that doesn’t work for me…”
But often times they can’t explain why things aren’t working, which is super important!… READ MORE

Can you be an extreme “hide behind a computer” introvert yet still make millions speaking?
That’s exactly what one of my friends did.
And he’s revealing his secret formula here…
HINT: The speaker doesn’t have to be YOU.… READ MORE

“If you build it, they won’t come”
Maybe that’s not how you remember the quote from Field of Dreams, but you gotta remember this phrase when you’re thinking about your website!
Building a website without telling people to come take look around is like building a store without having a sign pointing to where it is!… READ MORE

Webinars are a fantastic way for you to convert prospects into paying clients.
But how do you create one that has the ability to generate 7 figures pretty much on autopilot?
If you’ve attempted  to create your own webinar before but it either flopped or didn’t result in many conversions, don’t give up!READ MORE

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