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The other day some punk 23-year- old kid asked my opinion.
He recently graduated from college… and like the bazillion other kids who went 6-
figures into debt for college… he can’t get a job.… READ MORE

In today’s show, Kevin is joined by AJ Silvers to talk about the power of using flash fiction in your copy. AJ Silvers is a fantastic direct response and fiction writer.
Show Highlights:

Why great fiction is actually sales copy in disguise (2:15)
The definition of flash fiction and how you can use it in your own copy (3:10)
How to create massive impact to your readers in less than six seconds (4:45)
A book every copywriter needs to read (7:30)
The big difference between a writer and someone who writes (18:30)

Using flash fiction can massively increase the power of your copy.READ MORE

Guess what?

Death, Glory or Disappointment Season Three is here!

What’s that? You thought it’d never happen? You waited and waited and waited…. and then gave up?

So did we! And we were all wrong, ha!READ MORE

Welcome to the Donor Doctor with your host James Newberry. On today’s show, James interviews RJ Robinson How to Write Good Copy.
Keys to Copywriting Success
RJ is a copywriter and account executive of Eberle Communications Group.READ MORE

Is mobile traffic necessary for your business?
Should you ignore it like everyone says you should?
Do you believe that people will never buy from their phones?
If you are unsure about the answers, today’s episode will be a treat for you.… READ MORE

Who said financial planning has to be a chore?
Stressing over a mess of paper is so last year.
Well, maybe you can’t get rid of the papers, but, it can totally be fun.
I’m serious!
I used to think it was the worst, too.… READ MORE

Welcome to the Donor Doctor with your host James Newberry. On today’s show, James interviews Michael Brown High Dollar Political Fundraising.
Early Beginnings
Michael used to sell vacuums during college.READ MORE

In today’s show, the human strength expert Kyle Newell considers the remarkable features that made Donald Trump the new President of the US.
Here are the show highlights of Lessons from Donald J.READ MORE

How can you create an aura of authority that will make your market trust and follow you, without looking desperate?
A hot-button question.
So I hop on the call with the best guy out there to show us the nitty-gritty – Michael Mansell.… READ MORE

In today’s episode, Kevin is joined by guest Melanie Saladino to talk about their recent visit to the AWAI job fair and how to fast track your freelance career.
Show Highlights:

The reason everybody needs to have a mentor (2:30)
The importance of having a crystal clear unique selling proposition (8:45)
How Melanie went from not even having a sample to multi million dollar launch (10:30)
Functional reality vs emotional reality (10:40)
A critical lesson from John Carlton and how you should view yourself as a copywriter (16:50)

Melanie has the ability to enter multiple niches and totally dominate as a writer.READ MORE

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