Learning about the DROP program feels like information overload… They hand you a ton of resources, dates, and deadlines without any idea how they relate to your retirement goals.
But knowing how DROP works is the only way to ensure a smooth transition from active duty to a stable retirement without money worries.… READ MORE
Crossing paths with highly influential people can be quite nerve-racking. There’s a wave of intimidation surrounding success and social status, even if you’ve only created a persona of the actual person in your head. … READ MORE
There is a lot of noise out there these days. Making your business stand out from the crowd is no longer a benefit, it’s a necessity. Our guest Wade Wheeler is going to share with us the elements needed to be unique in your market.… READ MORE
Keeping clients happy is hard. They want you to deliver great returns, be available at short notice and know about every change in the markets.
But if you do whatever your client tells you to do, you’ll get the blame when their own decisions tank their portfolio.… READ MORE
When it comes to becoming profitable faster, coaches want to know what offer sells the best on social media. And while there are a dozen different paths you could take a product down, ensuring you offer the ‘best of the best’ is the only way to actually scale your business (and get the sales you want).… READ MORE
Growing your business without understanding the hero’s journey puts it on “impossible mode.”
The hero’s journey dates back to at least 2,000 years before Jesus. Which means humans are hardwired to learn from stories following the hero’s journey.… READ MORE
We all like music, TV and conversations, but you might be surprised by the damage noise can do (even when you’re having fun).
Clogging your brain with loud sounds, alerts, and pings leads to a poor sleep schedule and sabotages your ability to focus.… READ MORE
Everyone has debt, but no one likes to talk about it. And you might feel so overwhelmed by the idea of organizing finances that you ignore them altogether…which makes your stack of bills taller and more unbearable.… READ MORE
Growing your business feels awesome. You have more clients, work with a bigger team and make a bigger impact.
But when you work hard to grow your business, you also deserve to get rewarded more. That’s why you need to look at your profits, not your revenue. … READ MORE