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Every entrepreneur wants more cash in the bank. But how do you get there?
One way is to grind harder, and watch your stress level creep up every day until you snap.
The other way is to make better decisions, and watch your children play in the yard.… READ MORE

Many financial advisors pour dozens of hours every week into creating content. They publish blog articles, film videos, write newsletters… 
…but they often get zero clients for all their hard work.READ MORE

Everyone wants to be more productive, so they can make a bigger impact and add more zeros to their bank account. 
But everyone gets productivity wrong. It’s not about becoming more effective or efficient. READ MORE

We’re all striving to reach the pinnacle of something. It could be money, freedom, fitness…
But without preparation, your success is doubtful.
In this episode, you’ll discover simple preparation principles that make you unstoppable in life.… READ MORE

Many folks call retirement “the golden years”. They look forward to endless leisure, tons of family time and doing the things they put off for decades. 
But many retirees find the opposite right after they retire: They feel bored.READ MORE

How to finally free yourself from past sins which haunt you and fill you with anxiety (1:48)
The insidious “Dangerous Disobedience” trap which prevents you from growing closer to God (even if you think it’s improving your relationship with Him) (2:22)
Why you’re accidentally blocking God from forgiving you (and how to accept His forgiveness) (3:26)
The sneaky way the devil tries to win your imprisonment by tricking you into rejecting your redemption (6:53)
How your self-imposed suffering seeps out and infects everyone you love around you (8:52)

If you’re ready to rise up and become the best version of yourself, check out the 12-month mindset and accountability experience that will help you rise up here: https://jillallencoaching.com/just-breathe-sisterhood/
If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://jillallencoaching.com/be-fit-and-fierce/ and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

Do you feel like you’re living in a prison sometimes…one that you built yourself?
You’re not alone.
Too often we let fear, shame, or other negative emotions take control of our lives. We fear these emotions because they take us out of our comfort, forcing us to be in situations that don’t make us feel 100% safe.… READ MORE

Show highlights include:

Why Wall Street wants you to “capitulate” your stock trades (and how you can avoid succumbing to their wishes) (2:01)
How selling off your IRA portfolio nets you capital gains (even if you are already making money from rotating your stocks) (8:32)
Why digesting painful news about Tesla triggers you to buy the dip (10:02)
How projecting company earnings lets you hit target stock prices in the next 3-5 years to recover your portfolio in a down market (14:03)

Ready to stop doing what you hate?… READ MORE

Men these days think masculinity means one-upmanship and being the “alpha” of the group. Or worse – they think masculinity is inherently toxic.
Both these views are flawed and lead to crippled self-worth.… READ MORE

Becoming a successful entrepreneur with several 7 and 8 figures businesses isn’t easy. It took me 44 years to figure it out.
But you know what?
It will only take you listening to this episode.
I’m revealing the 3 biggest lessons that let me run multiple 7 and 8 figure per year businesses.… READ MORE

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