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In this episode, you’ll learn…

How bitterness and resentment cause complete chaos to your best relationships and business ideas (2:40)
The insidious “C-word” that seeps into your life and causes utter destruction to your relationships (8:04)
Why the devil loves when you’re sulking in bitterness and resentment (11:48)
The subtle mindset shift that helps you get over any argument without sabotaging your relationship (12:42)
The dumbest mistake you can make when you see others succeeding (15:56)
The single best thing you can do to avoid falling into an endless trap of bitterness and resentment (17:42)

Make sure you follow Nicki Koziarz on Instagram and Facebook to get your fix of wisdom you won’t find anywhere else.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

How to use the quarantine to bring your family closer than ever before (5:17)
Why now is the single greatest time in history to teach your children this life-altering skill… (6:57)
Ask yourself these “soul-searching” questions to guarantee you’ll be more successful on the other side of the quarantine (8:36)
The case for being excited about your marriage not being in tip-top condition right now (12:14)
Not doing this one thing is a surefire way you’ll waste all your time binging Netflix shows during the quarantine (22:21)

Make sure you follow Nicki Koziarz on Instagram and Facebook to get your fix of wisdom you won’t find anywhere else.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

How the lockdowns are making us more in touch with our emotions (1:29)
The trick for not constantly being anxious and afraid — especially in scary times (6:59)
Why now is the single greatest time in your life to “rewire” your brain (7:13)
How to keep up with the news without getting dragged down into depression (7:51)
The most important thing you can focus on to avoid the vicious cycle of worry, anxiety, and fear (17:49)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

The old, ancient book that instantly improves your confidence (1:30)
The real reason you experience imposter syndrome and how to stop it in its tracks (3:56)
The unlikely origin where all confidence stems from (4:47)
99% of your worries, doubts, fears, and anxieties come from this… (6:18)
The difficult, yet profound way to create authentic confidence out of thin air (7:20)
Why you need to be your own best friend if you want to become more confident (13:58)
3 words you need to remember when you’re not feeling confident (15:15)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

How these 3 little words will forever alter the way you respond to change (3:02)
The subtle mindset shift required to tap into the blessings that come from unexpected change (4:02)
Doing this one thing will instantly help you handle dread and fear in a more productive way (9:06)
The #1 most sabotaging thing you can do when you have to deal with sudden change (10:33)
Why the coronavirus will fast track your success — but only if you master this skill (12:26)
The only thing that will never change regardless of how chaotic the world becomes (15:37)
The 3-step plan for preventing a nervous breakdown during life-bending changes (17:06)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

The single most important attribute you can have that guarantees your success (1:58)
The surprising similarity between Michael Jordan, Steven Spielberg, and Thomas Edison (5:08)
The cold, hard truth about why most people settle for “good enough” (6:32)
The secret shared by every successful person who ever walked the earth (7:00)
Why you need to force yourself to fail (9:57)
The subtle mindset shift that makes it stupid easy to overcome any obstacle (12:55)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

The trendy “G-word” that works like gangbusters for eliminating stress and anxiety (1:38)
How to “override” a glitch in your human nature that makes you feel helpless to your emotions (4:26)
The simple, yet non-negotiable “prelude” for getting everything you want out of life (5:30)
The #1 best way to put your life in a “loop” so everything keeps getting better (6:27)
The quick, 3-second trick you can do right now that instantly attracts more positive and prosperous things to you (11:46)
Do you struggle with staying present?… READ MORE

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Meaning, if you hang out with people with poor mindsets and habits, you’ll develop them yourself.
But the opposite is also true. And when properly harnessed, it can help you reach all of your goals and ambitions much faster than you otherwise would have.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

The uncomfortable truth about why your relationships are going downhill (1:23)
How your stress subconsciously seeps into every aspect of your life and robs you of your joy (4:43)
The case against thinking positive (6:15)
Why hitting rock bottom should be celebrated (6:41)
Why living your life at 100mph is a surefire way to come up short of reaching your potential (11:12)
The rarely talked about but proven effective way to begin the healing process (11:38)
The subtle mindset shift needed to have a massive breakthrough in your life (13:49)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…
Are you subconsciously adding more depression, anxiety, and anger to your life? Find out here… (1:35)
How perfectionism is preventing you from reaching your potential (4:19)
Perfectionism’s dirty little trick that robs you of your self-esteem, sanity, and enjoyment of life (6:15)
The little-known secret for instantly melting your stresses away (8:21)
The subtle mindset shift that immediately makes life more enjoyable and fulfilling (8:31)
The 3-step sequence that anyone can follow to break free of perfectionism’s iron grip on your life (9:00)
How your perfectionism is poisoning your kids (9:42)
The case for laughing at your mistakes — especially the most embarrassing and disappointing ones (12:59)
If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

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