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Taking up martial arts, business, or anything else that takes you out of your comfort zone can be one of the best things you do. 
But it also has a dark side that sabotages all joy and love in your life. 
In this episode, you’ll discover the danger of being too driven in fighting, business, and life.READ MORE

Training martial arts can make you more attractive, more confident, and help heal many of the childhood traumas you faced. Especially if you were bullied in the past.
Being bullied in childhood makes you vulnerable, afraid of confrontation, and worse with women as an adult.… READ MORE

There’s only one way to experience lasting fulfillment, love, peace, and joy.
The problem is that most men get this backwards. They think they have to make a bunch of money or achieve status in order to be worthy.… READ MORE

A lot of young men looking for love fall into a dangerous trap:
They think their value—whether social, economic, entertainment, sexual, or otherwise—is what attracts women to them. But if you build a relationship based on value, you will never find true, unconditional love no matter what pickup artists tell you.… READ MORE

Neediness beheads your attractiveness. Many people already know this, but they don’t understand what causes neediness or how to reduce it in a healthy way. 
Instead, they take an unhealthy approach and pretend they don’t have any needs.READ MORE

Tuning into your “dark side” seems scary. It forces you to smash the persona you’ve worn for your whole life. And it feels like exposing yourself for the world to see. 
But nothing gives you more happiness, success, and love than integrating your dark side. READ MORE

In childhood, many of us were forced to repress our energies because someone shamed us for it. 
The two most common examples include shame over sexual desires and anger. But these are two important energies that unlock creativity, vulnerability, passion, and love. READ MORE

Everyone has a shadow side. These are emotions and personality traits buried deep in your subconscious as a coping mechanism for your pain. 
While these “shadow parts” help you avoid traumatic experiences and memories, they also make you self-sabotage your relationships, happiness, and general sense of fulfilment. READ MORE

Many people hate the idea of therapy. They think it’s a way to rattle off about your day without healing your traumas. Or worse yet, they think therapists will heighten their mental anguish. 
Most therapists are honest, helpful people.READ MORE

If you’re an entrepreneur, you might feel like it’s impossible to find love. 
Why does it feel like this? 
Because there’s a grain of truth in it. Entrepreneurs care about the value they bring to the world and the legacy they leave behind. READ MORE

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