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Show highlights include:

Why coaching credentials don’t mean squat (4:17)
How a trainer can stunt your progress and make you worse off (6:40)
Why you’ll get better results by working with a fun coach (7:04)
Why you should always run away from coaches who verbally abuse you (12:26)

Please email me at katie@coachkatiedanger.com and let me know your thoughts about what makes a good coach.…


Show highlights include:

Why eating breakfast is stopping you from reaching your fitness goals faster (even if you work out in the morning) (3:26)
An easy way to lose weight, increase your energy, build more muscle, burn more fat, and sleep better (without dieting) (3:52)
The real reason diets never work and what to “tweak” instead of what you eat (4:30)
How to get the most “bang for your buck” with your weight loss strategy (5:08)
How to shed fat off your body without changing how much you eat or exercise (6:50)
Why eating when you’re hungry blows counting calories out of the water (10:58)
The trick for working out while fasting without your body cannibalizing all of your gains (13:56)

Episodes mentioned in this show:
Episode 14 — Nutrition For Hypertrophy
Episode 17 — What Happens When You Don’t Eat For Three Days
The most important thing you can do to amplify your competitive success is focus on your nutrition.…


Show highlights include:

Why flooding your lungs with oxygen is so effective at helping you focus (4:01)
How insurance companies wreak havoc on innovative alternative health functions (5:05)
The trick for boosting your immune system, metabolism, throat and lung function (7:38)
The little-talked about (but super effective) way to treat depression and PTSD (9:54)
Perhaps the most effective way to restore your creativity and drive (16:05)

The most important thing you can do to amplify your competitive success is focus on your nutrition.…


Show highlights include:

The best low-impact workout you can do — especially if you’re dealing with nagging injuries (3:34)
How to make the stars align to help you quickly accomplish your wildest dreams (4:58)
This exercise works 85% of your muscles without adding unnecessary pressure on your joints (8:43)
Perhaps the safest workout you can do in the middle of a pandemic (19:46)
How to have a challenging workout without feeling like a bus hit you the next morning (21:02)
The one workout everyone can do — regardless of your age, weight, or fitness level (22:18)
An easy way to boost your heart rate for weight loss without beating up your body (22:59)

To learn more about Row House, you can check out their website at https://www.therowhouse.com/ and follow their Instagram and Facebook page.…


Show highlights include:

The #1 most important label to pay attention to when buying coffee (3:45)
How to “get away” with drinking 5 cups of coffee per day without sabotaging your body (4:08)
You’re wrecking your body and the environment every time you sip on this style of jo (5:05)
How to avoid getting duped by clever coffee marketing into buying hazardous coffee (9:46)
The easy-peasy way to reduce your carbon footprint on the environment (12:27)
3 of the best coffee brands to try — especially if you’re on a budget (13:44)

The most important thing you can do to amplify your competitive success is focus on your nutrition.…


Show highlights include:

Why protein powder beats unprocessed whole food sources in a fight (4:12)
The biggest misconception about when to consume your protein (4:40)
The best protein powders for weight loss, fat loss, and muscle gain (16:46)
The trick for instantly knowing which protein powder is superior (5:52)
Your protein powder needs this key nutrient or you won’t gain any muscle (6:28)
The admittedly silly, yet important reason to pick one protein powder over another (8:45)
Most plant-based proteins aren’t complete proteins except this controversial one… (14:20)
This dangerous and inflammatory ingredient is commonly found in meal replacement shakes and will sabotage your goals (18:23)
Your protein powder will be useless if you don’t consume this… (22:11)

If you liked this episode, I’d be honored if you shared it with another everyday athlete and left a 5-star review on iTunes to help others find it!…


Show highlights include:

Harnessing this power will allow you to accomplish anything you want (4:16)
A difficult yet, powerful habit that can bring you out of your darkest places (5:54)
Repeat this phrase every morning to unlock the full magic of your mind (8:07)
The trick to instantly make yourself feel better regardless of what’s happening in your life (10:27)
The “F-word” that banishes anxiety, frustration, and negative thoughts from your head (12:47)
This surprising app that can make you healthier while strengthening family bonds (18:43)

If you have any questions for Leia, you can email her at info@leiabaez.com or follow her Facebook at Leia Baez Speaks.…


Show highlights include:

The only 3 major components that build your foundation of health (and the one “hidden” one that nobody ever talks about) (1:48)
Feeling tired or “off your game” because of the quarantine?…


Show highlights include:

The single most important supplement you can take to boost your strength, power, speed, endurance, and muscles (5:38)
The easy way to lift more volume during your workout sessions without getting fatigued (5:41)
Studies suggest this supplement improves brain health and prevents neurological diseases (7:20)
Want to increase your bench press one rep max by 14%?…


Show highlights include:

Ron Swanson’s advice for getting the fitness results you want (0:50)
Why training to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time backfires on you (1:56)
Avoid cardio at all costs unless you’re this type of person (4:24)
Listen to this before you consider training for a marathon… (4:44)
How your training program is causing hormonal imbalances, ruining your mood, and making you lethargic (9:57)
Make sure you have this much recovery time between your strength and cardio training sessions or you’ll destroy all your gains (12:36)

The most important thing you can do to amplify your competitive success is focus on your nutrition.…


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