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Show highlights include:

Why drinking lemon juice every morning boosts your health and productivity (6:51) 
How to never “wake up on the wrong side of bed” again (even if you’re not a morning person) (9:11) 
The “Trampoline Secret” that instantly re-energizes you when you’re battling a mid-day slump (10:19) 
The “HMG Method” for your morning routine which takes less than 10 minutes and makes you feel amazing all day (16:46) 

If you’d like to implement a mobility routine in your morning routine, you can check out the free guide I created for you here: http://mobilitywarrior.com/


Show highlights include:

The Military’s “Primary Order Effects Method” to supplementation that creates bigger muscles faster than only taking protein (3:29) 
The most important non-protein supplement that builds rock, hard muscles in a jiffy (6:12) 
Science’s favorite vitamin that dramatically reduces your chances of having a goal-crippling injury (12:34) 
Plateauing in the gym?


Show highlights include:

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s secret for transforming his body into a chiseled sculpture (3:58) 
The most overlooked, yet important part of your workout routine that builds hard, strong, and aesthetically pleasing muscles (6:04) 
The magic number of reps you need to do according to the science of hypertrophy (7:04) 
Why lifting until failure can actually make you weaker (and what to do instead) (7:43) 
The “50:60 Training Method” for weight lifting that builds massive muscle at breakneck speed (9:55) 

If you’d like to try the “50:60 Training Method,” you can grab a free copy at http://the5060method.com


Show highlights include:

How to eliminate up to 20 lbs of rotten, undigested food sitting in your gut before it causes more serious health problems (2:02) 
The “Ambien Hangover” that turns you into a zombie (and how to get higher quality sleep without prescription drugs) (6:02) 
How one simple Google search can almost instantly help you break free from the chains of Ambien (12:07) 
The naturally occuring supplement that “mimics” some aspects of Ambien (without worrying about sleep driving to Walmart with one slipper on) (16:57) 
How to fix the root cause of your poor sleep without relying on prescription drugs (17:41) 
7 supplements that will give you the best sleep of your life and help wean you off Ambien (or other sleeping pills) (20:51) 

If you have any silly Ambien stories you’d like to share with me to help others ditch the drug, please send me an email at Katie@CoachKatieDanger.com.


Show highlights include:

Why believing you don’t need supplements because you eat healthy is the single biggest myth you believe that’s wrecking your progress (11:34) 
The 10 general physical skills to focus on that will transform you into a Crossfit superstar (even if you’ve never tried Crossfit before) (13:36) 
How beet root powder fills your body with enough oxygen to hike a mountain without gasping for air (16:46) 
Why trying a new pre-workout before a competition can actually hurt your placing (18:43) 
How taking creatine weeks before a competition gives you an unfair advantage against your competitors (19:12) 
The “Zinc and Magnesium Stack” that’s almost like taking steroids for men (without any nasty side effects or worrying you’ll fail a drug test) (20:59) 
How Super Flexy stops “hidden inflammation” in your body in its tracks (22:37) 
3 secret weapons that make you almost as powerful as Superman (23:33) 
How your gut health can be the difference between coming in first place and last place (25:42)  

If you’d like a deeper dive into how to get the most impact from your juice fast, grab my free PDF book at http://24HourJuiceFast.com


Show highlights include:

Want to lose weight? Here’s the easy way to do it in 24 hours or less (3:06)
How a juice fast makes you more creative and productive (3:45) 
2 delicious juice recipes that will make your next 24 hour juice fast a breeze (7:13) 
The “Journal Secret” that unlocks several a-ha moments that’s particularly powerful during a juice fast (10:52) 

If you’d like a deeper dive into how to get the most impact from your juice fast, grab my free PDF book at http://24HourJuiceFast.com


Show highlights include:

How ancient healing remedies can transform you into a Benjamin Button today (3:39) 
Why a holistic approach to mental health is less dangerous and more effective than modern mental health pills (4:41) 
The easy way to ease your stress before it bubbles up and creates more serious health problems (5:49) 
How stress strips you of your humanity and forces you to act like a neanderthal (11:26) 
A type of mushroom that helps you get better sleep each night and wake up with enough energy to climb a mountain (13:56) 

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements or check out my 81-page intermittent fasting ebook. 


Show highlights include:

How your relationship with food can be unhealthy even if you don’t overeat, binge, and you’re not a sugar addict (and how to fix it) (2:54) 
2 reasons why comparing yourself to others is a recipe for falling short on all your goals (especially if you’re better than the people you’re comparing yourself to) (5:39) 
Michael Jordan’s secret for turning competitors into challenges that made him the greatest athlete of all time (7:43) 
The case for being grateful and feeling on top of the world after losing competitions (12:35) 
Why Ricky Bobby’s famous line will sabotage your sanity, wreck your fitness journey, and make you miserable (13:05) 

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements or check out my 81-page intermittent fasting ebook. 


Show highlights include:

The super easy way to combat osteoporosis — which is one of the biggest health threats to women over 40 (5:16) 
One nutrient the CDC labels as a “public concern” and how to get enough of it (without pinching your nose over its awful taste) (5:42) 
The single best fish supplement that has the lowest chance of being contaminated with dangerous heavy metals (7:41) 
Why your gut health determines your overall health (and the trick to boost your gut health) (8:26) 
Are you pregnant or thinking about it?


Show highlights include:

The “Running Boot” trick that saves you from misery during your first hike (10:03) 
How walking poles help you hike 2,000 feet high (or higher) while using less energy than walking down your street (11:23) 
How to make your hikes more enjoyable and less difficult for $20 bucks or less (12:56) 
Why being super fit handicaps you during your first few hikes (14:48) 
The single best app for finding beautiful and challenging places to hike and track your progress (18:31) 
2 supplements that make hiking hard terrains easier than a Sunday stroll through the park (19:27) 

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements or check out my 81-page intermittent fasting ebook. 


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