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Show highlights include:

The underrated “Baby Steps” method which is the single greatest way to reach your fitness goals as fast as possible (1:15) 
Why “quick fix” diet programs sabotage your goals and make you gain weight (even if you lose some weight at first) (5:48) 
How to have burgers and beer every week without sacrificing your nutrition goals (8:58) 
4 simple ways to eat more mindfully so you don’t binge an entire bag of chips in one sitting (12:33) 

If you need a one-on-one nutrition coach (without strict dieting rules), I have 2 spots open for clients.


Show highlights include:

Always making excuses that you’re too busy to work out? Here’s how to shatter these “internal constraints” holding you back (3:17) 
Why your mind is the single deadliest thing holding you back from achieving perfection in your physical body (3:48) 
How to beef up your “Emotional Health” so you stop self-sabotaging (5:06) 
The “Emotion Code Method” that frees you from pent up energy you can’t get rid of by crying, talking, or exercising (7:09) 
The weird way personifying “good vibes” makes you stronger (8:04) 
How a “Muscle Test” tells you exactly what emotions you’re feeling right now (and how this prevents you from getting trapped in your emotions) (11:03)
Why you can crush your PRs simply by looking at a certain color (13:12) 
How trapped emotions result in real injuries when exercising (15:32) 
Why “Ancestral Trauma” stops you from reaching your full fitness potential (and how to finally change these subconscious patterns) (18:22) 

If you’d like to learn more about how Dr.


Show highlights include:

The admittedly boring and overlooked, yet ultra effective “missing ingredient” to hitting all your fitness goals (2:01) 
How to get 33% of the daily water your body needs through food alone (5:08) 
Why drinking 8 cups of water per day can dehydrate you (and an equation that tells you exactly how much water your body needs) (6:20) 
The weird way following a healthy, low-carb diet wreaks havoc on your hydration levels, weight, and sabotages your goals (7:59) 
How much water you need per day to prevent kidney failure according to science (9:34) 
Hate drinking water?


Show highlights include:

The single most important “Magic Pill Skill” that helps you crush any goal you set your mind on (1:40)
Why “yo-yo dieting” runs rampant in America (and how to stop “yo-yo dieting” so you can lose weight and keep it off) (3:13)
How ripped social media influencers dupe you into believing you can look like them (and how to properly “vet” a coach so you don’t get duped again) (4:58)
Why “killing yourself” is the quickest way to reach all of your health and fitness goals (7:31)
Why tracking your fat loss, body fat percentage, BMI, and weight are the worst way to lose weight (and why tracking your behaviors helps you reach your goals faster) (8:03)
The “5 Whys Method” developed by psychologists that overloads you with intrinsic motivation so you can achieve your craziest goals (especially when it gets tough) (8:36)

If you’d like to book a Discovery Call with me so you can hit your health and fitness goals faster, book your appointment at http://talkwithcoachkatie.com.…


Show highlights include:

Why Herbalife and BeachBody supplements are the lowest quality, most dangerous supplements you can buy (5:16) 
Beware of your local “nutrition shops” that disguise snake-oil supplements loaded with sugar and processed junk as healthy (7:18) 
How multi-level marketing and pyramid schemes dupe innocent customers and damage the entire supplement industry (13:07) 
The jarring story of a 23-year-old woman who passed away because of heavy metals in Herbalife’s weight loss shakes (13:58) 
4 non-negotiable reasons to never buy supplements from a multi-level marketing company again (15:49) 

If you want to learn more about Perspire Sauna Studios and how infrared saunas can optimize your health, check out their website here: https://perspiresaunastudio.com/.


Show highlights include:

How to get a full anaerobic exercise without lifting a finger (4:55) 
Why infrared saunas are the most effective weapon against stress (5:23) 
How to get a deeper, more restorative sleep each night (especially if you’re not the greatest sleeper) (5:54) 
The “Artificial Fever Method” for eliminating toxins and kickstarting your body’s natural healing process (6:42) 
The weird and amazing way yellow infrared light tightens your skin, removes wrinkles, and makes you look younger (12:09) 
How a sauna can help you shed 60 pounds (or more) much quicker than exercise and diet alone (15:48) 
Why a sauna “mimics” eating well and exercising every day (even if you eat fast food regularly and never work out) (22:55)  

If you want to learn more about Perspire Sauna Studios and how infrared saunas can optimize your health, check out their website here: https://perspiresaunastudio.com/.


Show highlights include:

Why Big Pharma actually sabotages your health instead of improving it (1:23) 
How prescription medications are like slapping a band-aid on a broken leg (3:42) 
4 natural lifestyle changes that prevent chronic diseases better than any prescription drug could (3:58) 
Scientific proof from the National Poison Control Center that supplements are 4000x safer than prescription medications (4:34) 
The insidious way Big Pharma makes up “research” to support their claims which causes drug prices to skyrocket (6:47) 
One question to instantly tell if your doctor wants to protect your best interest or only wants to line his own pockets (7:08) 
Why you should never get nutrition advice from your doctor unless you want to be overweight (16:14) 

If you’d like to implement a mobility routine in your morning routine, you can check out the free guide I created for you here: http://mobilitywarrior.com/


Show highlights include:

Why your gut health is the most important ingredient if you want to lose weight, build muscle, or fight off diseases (1:10) 
The weird way eating Toaster Strudels can throw off your period, cause embarrassing acne, and sabotage your sleep (1:52) 
The simple, yet difficult way to add decades to your life (5:26) 
Why organic, real food is actually much cheaper than inexpensive fast food (5:47) 
How bacteria in your gut boosts your metabolism, lowers inflammation, and improves your resistance to stress (8:54) 
Why fiber is your most potent “weapon” on your weight loss journey (9:59) 
3 “heavy-hitter hormones” that help you feel full and satisfied after eating a meal (11:53) 
Why a diet filled with processed fat and sugar prolongs every illness you’ll ever get (14:07) 
How to have your cake and eat it too with your diet (without suffering the bad health consequences of highly processed and fast food) (21:12) 

If you’d like to implement a mobility routine in your morning routine, you can check out the free guide I created for you here: http://mobilitywarrior.com/


Show highlights include:

Why treating your fitness goals like getting a PhD instantly banishes frustration about not seeing quick results (3:36)
The absolute best strength training book for the “big three lifts” — whether you’re a beginner or have been training for years (10:18)
How silly-looking Crossfit workouts upgrade your physical and mental toughness more than any other exercise program known to mankind (16:40)
The “Stock Market System” for your fitness goals that prevents you from failing (even if you come short of your goals) (20:27)
How your fitness journey boosts your wealth, relationships, and career ambitions (23:37)

If you’d like to implement a mobility routine in your morning routine, you can check out the free guide I created for you here: http://mobilitywarrior.com/.…


Show highlights include:

Stuck in a rut with your training? Here’s the simple way to inject enjoyment back into it (1:02) 
The safe and affordable supplement that’s used by all elite level athletes in every sport (7:23) 
How to effortlessly reduce the lactic acid buildup in your body which makes you sore after strenuous lifts (8:14) 
3 reasons why beta-alanine is a “cheat code” for getting better results in the gym in less time (11:55) 
The one ingredient to look for in pre-workout supplements that instantly helps you tell if it’s snake oil or the real deal (14:10) 

If you’d like to implement a mobility routine in your morning routine, you can check out the free guide I created for you here: http://mobilitywarrior.com/


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