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Show highlights include:

The counterintuitive way preparing for your goals makes it harder to achieve them (2:03) 
The simple “Already Ready” mindset shift that frees you from your fitness and health purgatory (especially as the holiday season approaches) (4:41) 
The “Periodization Process” for crushing both your short-term and long-term fitness goals in record time (7:04) 
How understanding the 3 key phases of exercise motivates you to get off your couch today (8:59) 
Why waiting until January 1st to start attacking your fitness goals is the single biggest mistake you can make (14:24) 

If you want all of my best fitness and nutrition tips to help you achieve your fitness goals faster with less hassles, join my new Full Send Fitness and Nutrition coaching program for just $9 per month at https://fullsendfitnesscoaching.com 
Every month, I host a different 30-day fitness challenge to help you burn fat faster.


Show highlights include:

The counterintuitive way strength training makes you a better triathlete (6:00) 
Why you don’t have to look like the Hulk to become much stronger than you are now (9:45) 
The weird reason why your muscles don’t grow when you lift weights (and the hidden place responsible for all your gains) (10:54) 
The only 3 mechanisms that make your muscles stronger (and how to maximize each mechanism for the best gains) (13:07) 
Why you don’t have to feel sore after every workout to get bigger and stronger (14:13) 
Worried about getting too bulky when you lift weights?


Show highlights include:

Why “SMART Goals” are stupid that don’t help you achieve your dreams (3:50) 
The reason why enjoying the day-in, day-out mundane actions of achieving your goals is the #1 predictor of success (9:51) 
The weird way coming up short on your goals can be more fulfilling than achieving them (11:05) 
The “DADOP Method” for goal setting in 2021 that takes you from Point A to Point B in record time (14:24) 
Why being upfront with yourself about all the obstacles you’ll face helps you conquer them with ease (15:55) 
How taking two weeks off from attacking your goals can refocus and reinspire you (even if it feels like you’re wasting time) (21:22) 
The wacky “South Park” method for goal setting that might be the reason you’re not achieving your goals right now (23:26) 

If you want all of my best fitness and nutrition tips to help you achieve your fitness goals faster with less hassles, join my new Full Send Fitness and Nutrition coaching program for just $9 per month at https://fullsendfitnesscoaching.com 
On July 12th, I launched a 90-day Metabolic Amplification Formula for 20 people.


Show highlights include:

The 2 foundational losing weight principles that all the best diets have (7:24)
The “Moderation Method” for losing weight and building muscle (without depriving yourself of your favorite foods) (8:59)
Why most people don’t need to spend more than 60 minutes in the gym to look great, lose fat, and build muscle (10:40)
The weird way exercising too hard can halt your progress and results (11:29)
The “1 gram per pound of body weight” trick for maximizing how much muscle you build (13:39)
15 delicious, high protein snacks that are an easy way to get enough protein and optimize your muscle growth (14:39)
Should you lift weights or do cardio first in your workouts?…


Show highlights include:

Why you can’t get a 6-pack by doing ab workouts every day (5:12) 
The 3 notorious “belly buster” foods that make your stomach balloon (even if your consistently exercise) (5:30) 
14 foods that trim your waistline, reduce bloat, and boost your metabolism (5:59) 
Why an iron deficiency slows down your metabolism (and easy ways to get more iron into your diet) (7:29)
The single best tea to drink after big holiday dinners to prevent bloating (16:15) 
4 supplements that help your body burn fat so you can finally see your abs (20:47) 

On July 12th, I launched a 90-day Metabolic Amplification Formula for 20 people.


Show highlights include:

The easiest way to fortify your immune system as cold and flu season comes (4:41) 
The insidious way labeling foods as good or bad makes it harder to reach your weight loss goals (7:44)
The simple 3-point checklist that helps you eat the best foods for your goals and lifestyle (9:03) 
The 6-month litmus test that prevents Instagram influencers from tricking you into following an impossible diet (9:31) 
Why picking a diet only for the results is a recipe for failure (and the right way to pick your diet) (10:28) 

On July 12th, I launched a 90-day Metabolic Amplification Formula for 20 people.


Show highlights include:

The natural and holistic way to treat your agonizing back pain, knee pain, joint pain, and even arthritis (1:36) 
How being active increases your chronic pain as you age (and how to continue training without your joints falling apart) (8:05) 
Why resting more when you’re injured camouflages your pain (and a better way to relieve your chronic inflammation) (10:59) 
How Prolozone Therapy can help you walk your dogs again if you’re in so much pain you can’t walk down your steps (12:08) 
The weird way to prevent getting knee replacement surgery (even if your knees always ache) (24:02) 
How what you do to your body in your 30s, 40s, and 50s create chronic illnesses and diseases later in life (and how to live a long, healthy, and pain-free life) (26:12) 
Why physical pain can create mental health problems like anxiety and depression (29:57) 

On July 12th, I launched a 90-day Metabolic Amplification Formula for 20 people.


Show highlights include:

How to avoid skipping days in the gym when you have phlegm, aches, and pains (especially during flu season) (3:54)
Why human nature undermines your health goals and pulls you back into your destructive habits (7:59)
How our instant gratification world stops you from achieving your fitness goals and adds unnecessary stress to your shoulders (10:07)
Why having broad goals like wanting to lose weight can actually cause the number on your scale to go up (11:16)
The strange way twiddling your thumbs helps you build muscle and lose weight (13:55)
4 proven ways to finally stop self-sabotaging your health and fitness goals (23:130
The “structure, not restriction” mindset that lets you “get away” with having a few beers or sweet treats without wrecking your health goals (24:52)

On July 12th, I launched a 90-day Metabolic Amplification Formula for 20 people.…


Show highlights include:

How watching the Olympics shatters all the glass ceilings you have about your own body (even if you’re not an Olympic level athlete) (11:31)
Why putting Olympic athletes on a pedestal can create serious, debilitating, and life-threatening diseases (14:20)
Are you disappointed in American government and politics?…


Show highlights include:

Why CBD is a safer way to reduce joint pain and inflammation than using ibuprofen or any other prescription drugs (4:35) 
Always tossing and turning throughout the night?


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