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I’m gonna let ya in on something.
To support my two bad habits (sleeping indoors and eating at least once a day)… I write
sales copy.
A few people who are experts at that stuff say I’m really good at it.… READ MORE

Making more money must become your mantra.
Money is a taboo subject in today’s society. People don’t like to talk about it. They admire celebrities and athletes in envy at how much money they earn but get uncomfortable when it comes to us.READ MORE

Welcome to the Brilliance Balance Podcast, the show for working women who are ready to shine!
Each week, you’ll discover ideas, inspiration and insights on balance, business, and how to get it all done gracefully.READ MORE

We’re coming to you live from Chicago!
I have the amazing Lisa Lehman here from Studio Jewel with me to talk about her very successful Facebook live sale!
The girl made $7,000 in just two hours using Facebook live, like, are you kidding me?… READ MORE

When it comes to increasing your reach and engaging with your audience, live video wins hands-down every time.
Combine live streaming videos with the world’s most powerful social networks, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for maximum engagement and unrivaled reach.READ MORE

Hedging the line between fall and winter, Halloween is the time of pumpkin carving, apple bobbing and dark superstition. But underneath the celebrations, graveyard stories and supernatural experiences lies some powerful mindset practices.READ MORE

Research and passion are two of the most important components of any successful fundraising campaign. Today, Dr. Richard Dressner is the special guest sharing his lessons from a $120 multi million Mt.READ MORE

I always have to be careful when discussing the topic of using psychology in negotiations. People sometimes get the wrong idea that we want to maliciously manipulate people to get what we want. That’s not how it works, especially at this level.READ MORE

I just slapped a new podcast up on my site — it’s about an old martial arts concept that can help you turn troll comments, bad reviews, and online attacks against your business into cold, hard cash in your piggy bank.… READ MORE

As an entrepreneur or business owner, it’s never been more important to master the art and science of successful email marketing.
The problem is most people don’t know how to do it right.
Trying to appeal to everyone and worrying when someone unsubscribes to name but a few.READ MORE

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