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It’s possible to earn a salary as a business owner. You don’t have to settle for leftovers.
In fact, I highly recommend this strategy and I teach designers how to do this in our signature program, Laying the Foundation.… READ MORE

Our culture has embraced entrepreneurship in a truly positive way. Back in the 90’s, entrepreneurship wasn’t a popular career path – unless your parents were entrepreneurial and you were stepping into their family business.… READ MORE

See what you made me do? You all are a distraction! Just kidding. But I did go off on some tangents with the past couple of episodes when I promised you I’d cover the final two myths of fitness and nutrition.… READ MORE

Today’s podcast contains a new set of 7 Email Players rules.
Producer Jonathan and I talk about things like What the world’s greatest publicity marketer taught me about how the way the world really works… how to make yourself hard to leave in a relationship… you can’t cut off Superman’s bollocks and expect him to save the world… and the dorky elBenbo band marches on.… READ MORE

Go to www.AgentOnfire.com and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
Your success in real estate is directly equivalent to the number of listings you get. And the number of listings you get is directly correlated to the number of shots you take.… READ MORE

The third and final part of a special interview mini-series with marketing and business legend; Jay Abraham. If you missed the two previous episodes, you can re-listen to them here:
Interview with Jay Abraham (Part 1) https://thepodcastfactory.com/sgm065/
Interview with Jay Abraham (Part 2) https://thepodcastfactory.com/sgm066/
Here Are The Highlights:
– The number one foundation for long-term client loyalty (0:45)
– Jay’s Key Secret: Getting into ‘a state of flow’ for copywriting mastery 4:00)
– How to be more confident and get over imposter syndrome once and for all (11:20)
– Why you NEED to help yourself before helping others (14:45)
To get access to more of Jay’s training and resources, head to https://www.abraham.com/
Make Sure You Get The Memos!… READ MORE

It’s controversial.
But my guest says it has been proven true time and time again in his business.
If you want to be a master persuader… but you’re a student of NLP… you gotta go to “NLP rehab” to unlearn all that stuff.READ MORE

The leads in your business are only as good as the website that produces them.
In today’s age, buyers are turning towards the web as a way of educating themselves which is why your website should be the most critical business asset to catch your prospect’s interest and attention…and of course, generate leads.… READ MORE

When talking about community within the context of social media, it can have lots of different meanings depending on who you ask which creates confusion for the majority of craft beer and golf brands/businesses.… READ MORE

Everybody makes mistakes when trying to improve themselves or trying to become a better person. And It’s not because they’re incompetent, or down to a lack of focus or because they’re lazy.

It all comes down to common mistakes most people make when trying to become a better version of themselves – in any area of life.… READ MORE

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