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As a holistic practitioner, your mission is probably one of the things you value most. Unfortunately, there are many things which can distract you from serving others with purpose.
One of those things is greed.… READ MORE

There are a lot of financial podcasts. Most of them repeat the same advice: Limit your spending, make a budget, invest in the stock market.

But the future is uncertain. You never know when financial emergencies or changes in the economy will eat up your earnings.… READ MORE

You’ve probably heard marketing gurus tout the value of content. Maybe you’ve even filled your blog, started a YouTube channel or linked your articles on social media. But here’s the big problem with gurus shouting CONTENT from the rooftops:
Everybody says you need content, but few know how to create content which turns strangers into clients.… READ MORE

Making the decision whether or not you should go to college is a big one.
Attaining a college degree takes time – up to four years.
Attaining a college degree costs money – thousands of dollars for most people.… READ MORE

Ya know something… the basics of running a business just ain’t that complicated.
But there’s something that always messes it up and makes it a million times harder.
It’s the crap and illusions that have been implanted inside your cranium.… READ MORE

Most people – even those closest to you – don’t want you to succeed. A sad truth, but many of us have experienced this first hand. But the truth is that when you break free and start becoming who you really want to be, you’ll automatically question what everybody else is doing.… READ MORE

Scaling your business to the next level and handling the new layers of complexity as you grow boils down to a number of key things – but which is most critical and which should you be focussing on first and foremost?… READ MORE

As a real estate investor, you’ve probably wished to “dominate your local market” before. Maybe it seems like a distant goal to you, maybe you’re moving closer to domination every day.
Whatever your case may be, this episode will help you accelerate the process, because you’ll learn what dominating your market really means (not just getting a lot of leads) and how to box out your competition to keep your position in the market.… READ MORE

Our lives are shaped and defined by our ability to make decisions. Be it your relationships, business or something else…everything boils down to the decisions we make.
Procrastinating, paralysis by analysis, perfectionism, over-thinking…call it what you will, when it comes to making decisions, many people seize and struggle to make a firm commitment to a decision – and it’s holding you back from achieving the success you seek.… READ MORE

Your hard work can be hard on others.
When we are excessively stressed, it can easily spillover from work into family life. It affects how we interact with people – especially those closest to us – EVEN if we don’t see it.… READ MORE

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