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Since this Valentine’s Day week we are in the midst of all things romance.
But for a lot of working moms, romance is the farthest thing from their mind. Today we’re going to talk about why Valentine’s Day might not feel quite the same as it did when you first met your spouse.… READ MORE

There are many challenges and risk attached to growing any business. From the smallest, daily decisions to those faced by the biggest organizations looking to take it to the next level.
The truth is if you want to experience exponential growth in your business, confronting, embracing AND using risk to your advantage is something you must do.… READ MORE

I’m rarely shocked…but what happens in today’s episode really surprised me.
I sat down for the third time with Marie Forleo. (Lucky me!)
And what she said had my mouth gaping open…
And I think you might be surprised too!… READ MORE

Are you blessed with a fast metabolism? Or do you feel like you gain weight just looking at a slice of pizza? Can I let you in on a little secret? … It! Doesn’t! Matter! Fast or slow metabolism, there are so many other factors that account for your body composition.READ MORE

Go to www.AgentOnfire.com and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
The truth is, most real estate agents would rather walk a mile in chicken shit than having to face a million dollar seller.… READ MORE

Today’s podcast is a special Valentines Day episode where I dispense can’t-fail advice to single men (not women — chicks are the enemy in this episode) who can’t get a date even with a pocket full of $50 bills.… READ MORE

Interesting show this week.
You’re about to discover that guys will pay BIG money if you can give them a boner.
And no, this has nothing to do with high priced call girls and porn stars… like our president is so fond of.… READ MORE

Successful people work hard, but you’d never even realize it.
They make things look annoyingly effortless, have a zen-like calmness to their attitude and are always in control of their situation.
So how do they do it?… READ MORE

Last week, Nic Peterson, Jonathan Montgomery and Dr Trevor Kashey talked about cutting the crap from your life and why doing less equals more.
Today’s episode may sound a little counterintuitive, but there’s a rather specific way of adding things back into your life without creating massive amounts of overwhelm and stress.… READ MORE

‘Free consultations’ are dead.
One of the most common mistakes coaches make when trying to get high-paying clients online is blasting links everywhere, begging people to book a free consultation call with them.… READ MORE

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