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Pardon me if I nerd out a bit on today’s show. I’m going to be sharing with you something I personally find fascinating. The more I study about the brain and the body, the more brilliant I believe it all is.READ MORE

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Ever wondered how to become a community ‘celebrity’ in real estate?
The agent who’s always ‘there’ and keeping their presence known.… READ MORE

Today’s podcast I give advice to my small drinking town with a big fishing problem about how to make more sales during the wine walks they have in the summers. Advice that, yes, also works for any other kind of business, too.… READ MORE

While picking Joe Nation’s brain (my podcast producer)… I ot a revelation about why I have more podcast reviews that other podcasters with MUCH bigger audiences.
And that answer is kinda tied to something I talked about in last week’s podcast.… READ MORE

“When you do reason and negotiate with someone – even though you care about that person, – you’ve got to let some people go. You can never please everybody 100% of the time. Be cool with that” – Taylor Welch.… READ MORE

Leadership drives momentum, customer sign ups, enrollments and much more for your online business. That’s exactly what network marketing (or MLM) can deliver. However, there are drawbacks to such a marketing strategy which you should be aware of.… READ MORE

When it comes to competition, a lot of people say, and also believe, that winning is all that matters. Some play to win and hate losing whereas others play to get better at their game. For them, the competition isn’t about winning – that’s just a byproduct of hours of determination and hard work to be their best.… READ MORE

Today we’re going to begin by learning something very valuable from someone whose inner strength I can’t help but deeply admire. When it comes to your mindset, it can be easy to get too optimistic. But do you know what happens to optimists in POW camps?… READ MORE

Finding a mentor to guide you is one of the best decisions you could ever make.
A good mentor can make the difference between years of trial and error and going the ‘hard way’ vs. easily avoiding costly mistakes on your entrepreneurial journey.… READ MORE

If you have ambitious goals and dreams, you most likely know the feeling of having a ‘to do’ list that’s longer than your arm. But do you ever feel like you’re not making any progress against it?… READ MORE

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