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Are you looking to create a higher converting lead magnet to grow your email list faster? Do you want to know how to eliminate negative thought patterns once and for all? Or maybe you’re wondering how to balance family relationships while building your business?… READ MORE

Have you ever wondered why successful financial advisors rake in six or seven figures and STILL have time to spend time with their family, read books and pursue their hobbies—while you’re working your butt off without seeing the same results?… READ MORE

As a business owner, you want to perform at your absolute best—whether that means closing deals, creating new products or working effectively so you can stop working all day and spend more time with your family.… READ MORE

If you’re like most people, you can think back to a time where you seriously embarrassed yourself. We call moments “embarrassing” when we unintentionally break rules everybody else abides by.… READ MORE

So many of us are on the verge of homelessness…and we don’t even realize it.
The American housing bubble that wreaked havoc on our global economy continues to linger even today. The toxic combination of slow wage growth and skyrocketing house prices has put buying out the question for many Americans, forcing them to rent.… READ MORE

No matter what you do, growth in any form is impossible without this one factor.
What’s the real secret to substantial growth as an individual, as an Entrepreneur, as a leader? What does it really take to get what you want?… READ MORE

A zoo of lusts, a nursery of fears, a harem of fondled hatreds.
That’s what it feels like inside my head just about every time I sit down to write.
Or really, ANY kind of creative activity.
However… I’ve discovered a way to create things in SPITE of that.READ MORE

When you think of a soldier, you probably think of admirable attributes: Military men are known for being disciplined, mentally and physically strong and honorable.
And while real estate investing is nothing like a warzone deployment, you can get more leads and close more deals by applying what the military has known for centuries.… READ MORE

Society pressures us into minimizing time alone. We worry about feeling lonely, seeming selfish, or looking like a loser if we’re rolling solo.
But protecting time to do exactly what YOU want to do is darn near magical.… READ MORE

Do you want to make 2019 infinitely better than 2018 and the years prior? Then listen up…
Today’s episode is all about learning how to leverage a foundational skill that binds all other skills together.… READ MORE

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