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Time moves fast.
In 2023, we’re closer to 2050 than 1990.
With or without you, time marches on. And if you don’t change now, you’re going to be stuck in the same position 5 years from now. 80 hour weeks.… READ MORE

Imagine a real estate asset where you can:
Invest with minimal to no competition
Tie up sellers for 12 to 15 months — and have them THANK you for it
Specifically tailor the highest & best use of the land
Pay little to no property taxes, insurance, or maintenance costs — and watch the as the value of asset appreciate exponentially due to inflation
Benefit from demand outstripping supply
These are just some of the benefits of raw land investing.… READ MORE

If you want to have $20M when you retire, you won’t EVER get there by making $150K a year.
Sounds like common sense, but most contractors make this mistake. They don’t think 5, 10, or even 20 years from now.… READ MORE

Today’s episode will reveal a simple, yet highly profitable side hustle.
It’s not real estate, social media marketing, driving for Uber, freelancing on Upwork, or anything to do with online at all.… READ MORE

Most newbie/single family real estate investors I speak to say the same thing:
“How do I get my first deal within six months? I don’t want it to take forever. I’m looking to make the leap from single family to multifamily.… READ MORE

Most real estate investors are dead broke. They scrape by, reinvesting every single profit into their next downpayment. In fact, they’re so broke, they sometimes have to finance their water heater!… READ MORE

Life gets pretty fun at $9,000 a month passive income.
You have a lot of breathing room now. You have more free time. You can stop worrying about the bills. You can take that trip to Disneyland with your kids.… READ MORE

A lot of veterans like to think:
“Real estate requires too much time and money to get started. Plus, if another crash happens, I’ll lose everything!”
Here’s the reality:
Not all investment methods are created equally.… READ MORE

When you saw the title, did you think…
“Why would somebody pay me money for that? I don’t see how I’m worth that much?”
Most of the people I speak to feel like this — me included sometimes. But everybody has a skill they can sell — and charge a handsome amount of money for it at the same time.… READ MORE

The Fed is all over the place. They say one thing, but then they go ahead and do another.
They facilitated wasteful (and useless) government spending during the pandemic. How? By effectively printing up money for the deficit upon demand.… READ MORE

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