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Do you feel like you’re out of luck? That nothing you try goes your way? Or that reaching your biggest goals sounds like a pipe dream?
Too often our reality is nothing like we imagine. This causes us to sabotage our dreams because deep inside we’re scared.… READ MORE

In dating, pushiness is a major turn-off. You instantly lose your attractiveness and seem desperate.
It’s not much different in sales. When your product is too easy to get, it sends alarm bells into the prospect’s mind: No one wants what you have to offer.… READ MORE

We’re halfway through this year. The second part of the year can be a time when your business slows down…or it can be a time of massive expansion and hitting bigger goals than ever before!
It’s time to make this year the biggest in your business yet.… READ MORE

With the rise of “business coaches” the internet became flooded with generic advice, useless courses and make-money-fast scams.
So how do you know what information is legit when you have so many people selling the magic pill of thriving businesses on every corner?… READ MORE

Take a drive around your city and you’ll see 50+ family apartments everywhere you go. These buildings generate over a million each year and are worth much more.
But if you’re new to real estate, owning one of these is a pipe dream, right?… READ MORE

Dreaming about owning millions of dollars in real estate property gets most entrepreneurs giddy like schoolchildren. But how do you get the contracts when you don’t know where to start?
There is a 4-prong approach to reaching your goal of being a multi-millionaire in real estate.… READ MORE

Have you ever tried to lose weight? Have you ever tried to quit smoking? Have you ever tried to save money?
If you said “yes” to any of these then you are a PLU, People Like Us.
But are you the one that can say “I tried” and continued to do it?… READ MORE

Nearly everyone has had a “not-so-good deal” before.
But what do you do when the chips are down?
If you’re like most people, you’ll quit and give up.
But going through these difficult times lets you come out on the other side, ready to push forward even when you feel like crap.… READ MORE

You’ve got big dreams of making a million bucks and living the free life, with no boss to answer to.
But if you haven’t made it yet, you may have “loser habits” holding you back. Those are little habits like smoking and eating junk food.… READ MORE

Has anyone ever told you, “You have to grow up!”?
If you answered “yes,” then you have to ask yourself why.
Society wants to put us in a nice, neatly packaged box. Go to school.… READ MORE

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