“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

You’ve likely never heard the name Bharat Jain. He’s well known in his home city, Mumbai. In a country where the average worker makes less than $1,700 USD per year, he defies the norm. On a good day Bharat brings home $1,000 USD per day.… READ MORE

After 10 months of living off savings, and doubting himself, Sal Khan began wondering if he made the biggest mistake of his life. After leaving his unfulfilling, but well paying job as a hedge fund-manager, Khan decided to pursue his dreams.… READ MORE

Every once in a while my wife and I get sucked into silly T.V. shows. A while back there was a show on MTV where they turned a group of nerds into suave ladies men.
They’d teach the guys some “pickup lines”, then send them into a bar, and make them talk to girls.… READ MORE

A virus that wipes out nations.
The totalitarian government takes over.
People are oppressed.
And there’s a crazy masked vigilante running around trying to start a revolution.
Nope, it’s not the nightly news (even though it sounds like it.)
Last night, after we put our son Huddy to bed, Cupcake and I decided to catch a flick.… READ MORE

Don’t you love it when your clients win?
Yesterday I popped into The Podcast Factory Insiders group to see what everyone was up to.
I spotted a post from one of my favorite clients, Shawna Beckman from The Consensual Sales Show.… READ MORE

Jimmy FullertonUncommon Life

Jonathan is realistic about telling you if your idea is going to work or if a podcast is the right tool for you to use.
Jimmy Fullerton always knew he wanted to start a podcast.… READ MORE

From the Stock Market to the Supermarket
People are scared, anxious, worried.
If you listen to the news they’re painting a DARK picture.
With all the uncertainty in the world we’re banding together to bring you The Light.… READ MORE

It’s official.
The World Health Organization is calling the Corona Virus a Pandemic.
The stock market is plunging.
The Walmart is out of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and Bleach.
What should you do?READ MORE

Want people to know your name?
Want more followers and faster sales?
Who doesn’t?
Good news friend…
I’ve got a formula that’s going to make you stand out, head and shoulders, above everyone else in your market.READ MORE

Reason #472 you DON’T need sponsors for your podcast.
Sponsors pay you peanuts and you need boatloads of downloads to attract them. On the other hand. When you’ve got a great product. With a powerful message.READ MORE

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