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In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How admitting your failures as a parent to your children raises their respect for you (even if you think it’ll ruin it) (2:13) 
Why your ego sabotages your relationships (and the simple two-second trick to swallow your pride) (3:21) 
How putting your church before your family destroys your relationship with your kids (9:26) 
The “Music Method” for effortlessly encouraging your children to be independently dependent on God (14:08) 
How a bone-crushing and coma-inducing accident can turn even the toughest atheists into believers (24:01) 

If you’d like to connect with Andrew, you can connect with him on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-plummer-a594331a/?originalSubdomain=uk or send him an email at andrew@bamtraining.org.  READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

The ‘Jeff Bezos’ hack for motivating employees and creating an exciting work environment. (6:55) 
How to recruit and keep the right team members through the ‘8 points of the Culture Code.’ (10:49) 
Why the ‘Beyond Money’ mindset attracts your dream clients and makes them stay with you for good.READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How to make your team smile when you hand them more work (4:18)
Why putting God in your core values attracts the best people into your business (even if it seems like it repels potential employees and customers) (5:25)
How being vulnerable during initial interviews “ethically forces” candidates to fall in love with working for you (11:12)
The “Character First” hiring method that guarantees you don’t have to fire a new employee as quick as you hired them (13:27)
Why making more money every single month sabotages your company culture (and how to grow your company without bankrupting your culture) (18:49)
The subtle “work for them” mindset shift that makes people line up wanting to work for your company (33:58)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

Hate promoting yourself and your business? Here’s why it’s easier to do it at the beginning of your day (4:47) 
The “Why Discipline Strategy” that builds respect, gives your children ownership, and encourages them to do their chores every day without being asked (6:50) 
The “Invitation Challenge Matrix” that helps you have more fun with your children without sacrificing your authority (9:39) 
The dirt-simple nightly gratitude challenge that turns you from a pessimist into an optimist (13:06) 
Why looking forward to business and family conflicts helps you conquer them instead of burning out (23:19) 
The strange way driving a different way to yoru office helps your business grow (26:14) 
How being vulnerable about your weaknesses makes you a stronger and more relatable leader (28:28) 

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

The weird way Excel deepens your love inside your marriage (2:29) 
The “Noah’s Arc” strategy to tracking your business which helps you grow faster in less time (3:32) 
The “Two Chairs” method for praying that makes it easier and more impactful (4:27) 
How embarrassing vulnerability unlocks your authenticity and influences more people than you can even fathom (19:35) 
Are all your friends virtual?READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How running your family like a well-oiled business prevents you from bankrupting your marriage (2:59) 
4 questions that help you easily craft your life’s vision statement tonight (5:38) 
The weird way being ruthlessly selfish helps you love your wife and children more (6:30) 
How burning out in your career drowns your mind with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts (and how to overcome these nasty feelings) (14:01) 
The insidious way too much success can cause you to have a heart attack in your early 40s (15:56) 
Why exercise is perhaps the single best way to banish anxiety and depression (17:44) 
How sharing your weaknesses, shortcomings, and failures makes you stronger (especially if it feel like it makes you less of a man) (27:03) 
The “3S System” that prevents you from becoming so exhausted you give yourself a panic attack (33:02) 
How taking a “Sabbath Day” every week doubles your productivity (34:03) 

If you’d like to connect with Bryan, you can shoot him an email at bkaiser@vernovis.com.  READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

Jesus’s “Servant Secret” for genuine leadership at both work and home (3:42) 
How asking your wife to call you out when you’re too focused on work makes your family and business grow stronger (especially when it seems like your business will suffer) (7:38) 
The “Safe Word Strategy” that helps you and your wife reconnect after being distant with each other (11:35) 
How understanding that love is a choice helps you build a great, indestructible marriage (even during challenging seasons) (12:30) 
The counterintuitive way focusing on the humanity in your employees instead of their numbers builds better leaders and a more profitable company (13:34) 
The simple 5-word question to ask yourself if you’re in a rut or burnt out that instantly ignites a deep fire in your soul (18:01) 
Have trouble saying no to projects?READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

The “One Day Away” mindset shift that almost instantly curbs your depression (6:11) 
Why you feel “long-term tired” even when you sleep well and exercise (and how to easily reset so you’re the best version of yourself) (7:38) 
Do you battle anxiety and depression?READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How a weekly date night prevents you and your spouse from getting trapped in the day to day that suffocates relationships (3:35) 
Why investing in your marriage like a business “scales” the love you both have for eachother (4:51) 
4 things to do every day before your family wakes up that puts you business and family growth on steroids (13:10) 
The admittedly “woo woo” mindset trick that seems silly but works like gangbusters for achieving your wildest dreams (14:39) 
How stepping back as a leader helps recoup losing 80% of your revenue overnight (21:36) 

If you’d like to connect with J.R., you can shoot him a text at 513-284-9128 or send him an email at jr.foster@robertlouiscapital.com.  READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

Why getting trapped in your “Business Identity” sabotages your relationship at home (and how to uncover who you truly are) (3:43) 
How paying your kids for reading the Bible “ethically forces” them to embrace Jesus into their lives (12:37) 
The “Wisdom Walks Method” that makes the Bible more kid-friendly and impactful (14:01) 
How your ego subconsciously creates conflict in your family (and how “killing yourself” frees you from your ego) (27:25) 
The weird way being selfish in the morning eliminates your bad days (33:42) 
Why training every day grows your business and moves you closer to God (35:01) 

If you’d like to get in touch with Jimmy, you can send him an email at jimmy@fca.org or check out his website at https://www.jimmypage.us/READ MORE

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