Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

You can have the perfect funnel, pick the ideal target and put out great content… but that only counts for 10% of your success. Without this one ingredient, all your efforts just lose you money.
What accounts for the other 90% of your success? 


If you’re an entrepreneur that has lost money on ads before, then there’s something wrong with your ad. And you’re likely upset you’ve lost revenue.
But fear not. You no longer have to waste money on ads.


Nearly every entrepreneur has wasted money on an online ad course. And they’ve been very disappointed with either the class itself or the ad on completion.
But you don’t have to squander cash any more on ad videos.


Many online entrepreneurs miss out on sales because they price their services wrong.
But it doesn’t have to be difficult. Determine your value in the marketplace by drilling into your niche.
So how do you do that?…


Most people placing Facebook ads don’t target their audience the right way. They’ll either put too many limitations on it or do nothing. ANd, they miss out on leads because of it.
Placing ads to generate lots of leads can be unrealistic.…


Many entrepreneurs think that ads are expensive and a waste of time. But placing ads increases your revenue.
And if you want to maximize your ads’ return, you have to measure their profitability. But there are some myths about ads’ profitability that hold people back from placing ads.


Many people have a terrible fear of losing money in their investments.
But Warren Buffet is one of the wealthiest people in America. His annual returns average between 12% – 20% each year.
And did you know that you can get returns of 300% or more regularly?…


You may be hesitant to run paid ads. And it’s understandable. Nobody wants to waste their marketing budget on ads that don’t work — especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. 
But it doesn’t have to be that way.


If you could make a million dollars per year, most of your financial problems would disappear. You could take all the vacations you want, drive whatever car you want and live in a mansion. 
But getting there can seem impossible.


Besides playing in college and practicing, have you ever wondered how Tom Brady won 7 Super Bowls?
He dissected each and every play to figure out what he was doing well and what he needed to work on.
Ad campaigns are no different.…


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