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Show highlights include:

Why your cookie cutter New Years fitness templates won’t last more than a few weeks into the new year (and the “missing ingredient” that will empower you all year) (4:39) 
The “Ask Yourself Why Exercise” that helps you surpass all your wildest 2021 fitness goals (even if you have major setbacks) (7:25) 
How to navigate negative emotional storms when life gets tough without sacrificing your fitness goals (9:18) 
The weird way a life coach can 10x your fitness accomplishments this year (10:07) 
Always hitting a plateau in your fitness journey?


Show highlights include:

How to create an effective home gym for $500 or less (5:58) 
The 5-minute “Rebounder Ritual” that reduces inflammations and protects your organs from being riddled with diseases (8:53) 
3 lifting techniques that “mimic” a Crossfit workout when you can’t go to a Crossfit gym (11:17) 
The easy way to create discipline in your eating habits that helps you lose body fat (especially if you’re “addicted” to sugary and processed foods) (13:52) 
The counterintuitive reason depriving yourself of food will make you never “hangry” again.  


Show highlights include:

Two simple ingredients that boosts your endurance levels by 20% and eliminates painful muscle soreness after tough workouts (7:33) 
The most overlooked, yet super important exercise that minimizes inflammation in all of your joints and tendons (12:26) 
How to boost the amount of power and energy to make you stronger (even if you don’t have the biggest muscles) (16:17) 
Why improving your gut health is the first step to building blockbuster speed (17:56) 
The unsexy “Planking Secret” that protects your body from goal-destroying injuries (19:27) 

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements. 


Show highlights include:

Why men over 40 are more prone to feeling sluggish and lethargic (and the easy way to restore their energy levels) (7:49) 
2 vitamins that prevent men from battling life-threatening and embarrassing prostate problems (12:37) 
Why the secret to world peace is your gut health (15:25) 
How improving your gut health rejuvenates your energy, boosts your mood, and can even eliminate anxiety (18:54) 
Why testosterone replacement therapy is only a short-term solution (and the supplements to take today that boosts testosterone for the future) (25:12) 
2 natural supplements that will help you have deeper, more restorative sleep (even though they’re not sleep supplements) (26:08) 

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements. 


Show highlights include:

The single best supplement to prevent nagging and chronic injuries (3:15) 
The “GPH Method” that lets you instantly know if a protein supplement is worth its salt (4:06) 
How one simple supplement makes you literally stronger than steel (4:58) 
The super easy way to reverse the aging of your bones, joints, and skin (10:18) 

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements. 


Show highlights include:

How falling in love with cardio will make you stronger when you lift weights (3:45) 
Why lifting with your ego can physically injure your body (even if you’re not maxing out) (5:29) 
Why relying on motivation to work out will make you lazy and weak (and what to rely on instead) (6:02) 
The “Hydration Formation Method” from Basic Training that ensures your body doesn’t crumble under stress and pressure (6:53) 
The 80/20 rule for your fitness and nutrition that will help you achieve your loftiest goals in less time (10:13) 

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements. 


Show highlights include:

The “IIFYM Trick” that lets you “get away” with eating whatever you want (without sacrificing your weight gain or weight loss goals) (5:03)
Why the “Bodybuilder’s Diet” will make you miserable (even if you reach your most ambitious goals) (7:05)
How protein can save your muscles from becoming flabby during a 2-3 month break in your lifting routine (11:30)
Why following a IIFYM diet keeps your from “plateauing” and ruining all your progress (14:57)
The 80/20 rule for picking your carbs that will help you reach your goals (while still enjoying cake) (18:13)
How eating fried chicken and cake makes you more disciplined than following a pro athlete’s 24/7 healthy diet (18:34)

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements.…


Show highlights include:

The Military’s Secret for getting the most out of your fitness journey (without breaking your back) (2:15)
The subtle mindset shift that instantly transforms demanding roadblocks on your fitness journey into fun, conquerable challenges (4:06)
Why dumbbell workouts can make you stronger than any other type of workout (6:45)
The easy way to lose body fat and weight (without sacrificing your muscle mass) (7:28)

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements.…


Show highlights include:

How the universe will conspire all its might to get you what you want (even if it sounds ridiculous) (4:22)
Why being selfish is the best way to help other people (14:35)
The case for ditching your lifelong dreams for a risky venture that might not work (15:05)
Ask yourself these 3 questions when you’re unfulfilled with your life and they’ll get you back on track (18:00)
How to make a lasting impact with anything you do (19:09)
The “TTJ Method” for getting everything you deserve out of life (19:56)

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements.…


Show highlights include:

How to have a brutal workout (without counting reps or tracking how much you lift) (2:33)
The single biggest goal “assassin” that stops you from reaching them (6:12)
Why patience is an athlete’s super power (8:11)
How you’re accidentally setting yourself up for failure (9:16)
The magic pill for success in anything you try that you already have access to (10:35)
The insidious way comparison corrupts you from the inside out (11:56)
What the bumps in the road on your journey are actually trying to tell you (14:48)

One of the most underrated ways to train your body is with bodyweight movements.…


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