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Show highlights include:

  • How to create an effective home gym for $500 or less (5:58) 
  • The 5-minute “Rebounder Ritual” that reduces inflammations and protects your organs from being riddled with diseases (8:53) 
  • 3 lifting techniques that “mimic” a Crossfit workout when you can’t go to a Crossfit gym (11:17) 
  • The easy way to create discipline in your eating habits that helps you lose body fat (especially if you’re “addicted” to sugary and processed foods) (13:52) 
  • The counterintuitive reason depriving yourself of food will make you never “hangry” again.  

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements or check out my 81-page intermittent fasting ebook. 

One of the most underrated ways to train your body is with bodyweight movements. That’s why I created the Bodyweight Muscles Training Program. You can have great workouts without needing a barbell or a gym membership. You can grab your free copy of the program over at http://bodyweightmuscles.com

If you’re looking for a leg day workout plan that is perfect for beginners and those with bad knees, go http://LegDayWorkout.com to get your free workouts. . 

If you’d like to try any of the supplements mentioned in this show, head over to https://RedHNutrition.com to find them. And you can save 30% with the coupon code CoachKatieDanger at checkout! 

Or if you need help creating a supplement program, send me an email at  Katie@CoachKatieDanger.com and I’ll be happy to help you. 

If you’d like to join a group of Everyday Athletes like yourself, join our Facebook Group Everyday Athletes Worldwide

And make sure to follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/coachkatiedanger/

Read Full Transcript

Hello athletes, welcome and thank you for tuning into the Coach Katie Danger Podcast recorded live from Omaha, Nebraska. I'm your host, Coach Katie Danger, U S army veteran, fitness coach and founder of Red H Nutrition. Here's a fact for you, 99% of us are not elite athletes. We're individuals from all backgrounds, juggling life priorities, including jobs, our families, their needs, and trying to find time to take care of ourselves every single week. When you tune in, I'll be discussing clear, concise and actionable strategies you can use to get the most from your fitness, nutrition, and mindset. So you can optimize your life without compromising your time. So athletes settle in and get comfortable. I'm here to educate, inspire, empower, and entertain you to help you enjoy the unique fitness journey that you are on.

(00:52): Hey athletes, what is up? It is your favorite coach, coach Katie danger. And thanks so much for tuning into this episode. It's actually one of the most exciting episodes that I've done this entire year, mainly because I'm going to take everything that I have learned this year and condense it into the top 10 things just for you. It's my goal. It's my hope. It's my vision. That the things that I learned in 2020, you can listen to these things and perhaps even apply them to your life. So you can get so much more out of the rest of 2020 and make 20, 21 the best year yet. So as I record this, we've only got a few days left in 2020. And do I really need to talk about what a ride has been? How interesting 2020 has been. I am really, really grateful for everything that's happened, mainly because it's given me a lot of things to talk about.

(01:48): It's given me a lot of things to reflect on, and it has forced me as a human, as an athlete, as a spouse, as a friend, basically, any role that I fall into business owner, podcast podcaster. It's given me a lot of things to think about. It's forced me to adapt, overcome, and really analyze what I believed in if those sorts of beliefs work anymore. So this episode focuses completely on the things that I learned in 2020 things that I was forced to learn the, the uncomfortable situations I experienced, whether it was a result of, of quarantine or COVID or not. These are just things that 2020 has brought to my attention. And you might find some familiarity with some of the things that I've experienced, but take these, take these, listen to what I've learned, and if anything resonates with you, run with it, run with it and make the rest of 2020.

(02:42): Awesome. And make 20, 21 your best year. Yet. First though, before I dive into the top 10, I want to talk about a couple of things I'm working on December is traditionally kind of a slow month for business. You know, we have black Friday about three weeks ago now. So December ends up being a time where I really focus, sit down and start creating some more things that will help leverage a lot of the gifts and education inspiration. I want to share with my clients, potential customers and just anybody who's really willing to listen to me. I love this podcast because it gives me my own personal soap box. So I can tell you about all these things, but a couple of things I've been working on. I just got done with my United States, American weightlifting level one certification. So I'm officially a certified weightlifting coach.

(03:28): I've been Olympic lifting for like 12 years now. And it was really just a great experience. The course was great. Everything was delivered. Well, there was lots of hands on application. So if you ever get a chance to take the, you saw level one, I highly recommend that you do it because you will learn a lot, even if you've been lifting for over a decade like me. So really, really excited to finally have that certification. To me, it's more than just a piece of paper. And I've also been working on a new program guide called leg day and leg day is always the best day at the gym. So I wanted to create a guide that gave beginners advanced and even people who have bad knees and opportunity to experience what leg day is all about. If you guys have been listening for even a hot minute, I'm a big fan of Arnold, a big fan of everything that he's done, the man was before his time.

(04:20): And he still has so much wisdom to share. So leg day, like some of my previous guides like dumbbell hero, leg days, a homage to Arnold, and also Arnold is on my bucket list to meet someday. I hope I get to meet him someday. I want to work out with him at muscle beach. I've been to muscle beach before, but I want to work out with Arnold there. So that's like on my bucket list, perhaps even number one, but that's what I've been working on. I got my a levels, one certification Olympic weightlifting, and I've got leg day workouts coming up real soon. So by the time you hear this go to leg day, workout.com and you get your free program. So should we just dive right into the top 10 things that I learned about health and fitness in 2020? I think we shall.

(05:01): All right. I did also try to order these in the order in which I thought was most important. So like when it comes to aha moments tend to one or an order of 10 being like still an aha moment, but not necessarily as impactful or profound as we go down the list here. So number 10, number 10 is about my home gym and my home gym is not flashy. I live in a town home. We have three floors. So we have a basement level. I've converted my basement into it's 500 square feet in the basement. So about 250 square foot of it is my home gym. If you follow me on Instagram, you can see how my home gym is set up. My Instagram handle is at coach Katie danger, all one word, but my home gym set up isn't flashy. And when quarantine hit well, even now, like all fitness equipment is still sold out.

(05:48): You know, you got to get on the wait list. If you find dumbbells for reasonable price, you're lucky. So if you can find gym equipment, usually it's, that's like price gouging, but here's what my home gym is. And here's what if you've got $500, if you've got 500 bucks, I really think you can create a very, very effective home gym. And here's what I suggest. If you're like, where do I start with home gym equipment? You need to get three sets of dumbbells, get a light set, a medium set, and a heavy set that heavyset could be just outside the range of what you're comfortable right now. Because I promise if you start working out at home and you stay consistent in a couple of weeks, those heavy dumbbells, or maybe just what you need. So you need to get a bench. Any flat bench will work.

(06:25): And if you've got the funds to get an adjustable bench, you know, one that can come up or down, that's great too, but you need a flat bench like a flat utility bench. I got mine off rogue, three sets of dumbbells. And then you can throw in a weight vest if you need to. Based on my current fitness level, what I got for dumbbells is I got a 15 pounds, 30 pounds and I got 50 pounds. I don't use the 50 pounds very often, but what I've been able to do with just this equipment is three times a week. I'm getting an awesome hit workout in. It's actually one of the reasons that I created the dumbbell hero workout program, dumbbell hero.com, and I love using dumbbells. You can do isolated training. You can do hit workouts. You know, hit workouts are not just in a CrossFit gym.

(07:09): You can do those at home. And I really think if you've got yourself, a flat bench, three sets of dumbbells, and then if you really can afford it, get yourself a weight vest. You can even do body weight movements with resistance too. So that's the number 10 thing that I learned in 2020 it's that you don't have to have a flashy gym set up. You just need some dumbbells, a weight vest, a flat bench, and then a place where you can do some exercises. All right, number nine. Here's what I learned in 2020, number nine, the leg press. So I've been spending a lot more time at the traditional Globo gyms. And I've been using the leg press a lot because you know, I've squatted for years. I know how to squat. I love the barbell squat. The squat is King, but when it comes to really being able to isolate your legs to correct asymmetries, the leg press is an amazingly effective way to build leg strength.

(08:00): What I do is I usually program in about four sets of eight to 10 heavy reps, because my goal is strength right now, not necessarily hypertrophy your site or size. And what I found was is that one, my knees do not hurt as much. I'm able to control the motion, the coast centric and the East centric, Essent the descent a lot easier. It's incredibly safe. And I've been able to focus on unilateral training, which hint, hint, we're going to get to in a little bit here, but the leg press. If you have a leg press available at your gym, if you've got a hack squat machine and you weren't necessarily comfortable with the traditional back squat, the barbell back squat in a rack, do the leg press. You don't need a spotter either. So an advantage when it comes to reducing the likelihood of injuries, you're going to get a great strength workout in and you don't have to worry about needing a spotter.

(08:46): So that is the ninth thing that I learned this year. Number eight, number eight is really fun. Did you guys ever jump a trampoline when you're a kid or who knows? Maybe you have a trampoline now and you're jumping on it. When is the last time you jumped on one? Well, when it comes to fitness specific training, it's called a rebounder. So if you're going to go to eBay and look up what a rebounder is, it's just going to be a trampoline. Just another word for trampoline, but is related to our lymphatic system. And our lymph system is super important because it helps with the detoxification of our body is our waste elimination system. And when our lymph system doesn't work well, the consequences are disease of our organs, backup of toxic waste in our body and our liver. Our liver gets inflamed and we experience inflammation throughout our entire body.

(09:32): The thing about our lymph system is though that it's passive. So only works with activity and movement. If you're sedentary, your lymph system gets out of whack. That's why during quarantine, when the gyms were closed, my gyms were very limited and the equipment available, I had to find a way to move indoors because at the time even our local parks were closed. So I bought a rebounder. I went to eBay, I bought a trampoline, a rebounder, and I used it for five minutes every single morning. I still use it to this day. It's just part of my morning routine because I know how important it is for that limp system to work efficiently and make sure that my body is processing out all the things that it doesn't need and make sure that it gets the things that it does need. So lymph gets out the bad harmful stuff, but it also makes sure that it's moving through the good stuff and it gets to where it needs to go.

(10:16): So a rebounder, a rebounder is my number eight. And like I said, you guys can go to Instagram and you can check out all of these. I have pictures too. So if you're not sure what the heck a rebounder is, go to my Instagram, check it out. All right. So number seven, number seven. Art is three different training ways in which you can elicit a different response or different stimulus from your muscles. So a couple of days ago, somebody asked me why I don't do CrossFit anymore. And I just kind of laughed because I thought, so you have to go to a CrossFit gym to do CrossFit. You guys, CrossFit is just a word, Greg Glassman didn't invent high intensity interval training. He just gave it a different name. So the things that you do, what I'm going to tell you, the three training tips I'm going to give you.

(11:00): It's constantly varied. It's high intensity and it's functional. And when you strip it down, literally anything can be CrossFit. Okay? The word CrossFit is very new in comparison to what hit training and that methodology, how long that's been around. Don't focus on the labels. Let's focus on the bigger picture. So the number seven thing I learned in 2020 is how do we listen to different stimulus while working out to get different results, to get better results, right? Drop sets, super sets and pyramid sets. It doesn't matter if it's a barbell. If you're doing this a, in a cardio with a cardio machine dumbbells or isolated global gym machines, when you use drop sets or super sets or pyramid sets, you provide an intense stimulus. It's going to force adaptation and growth, but not only in strength but power too. So what's a drop set. A drop set is a technique for continuing an exercise with a lower weight.

(11:50): Once muscle failure has been achieved at a higher weight, you would start out at, let's say, 50 pounds, 10 reps, 50 pounds, and then you get tired and then you drop the weight, let's say down to 40 pounds and you do 12 reps. And then you drop the weight again, let's say to 30 pounds and you do 15 reps that you can continue to do that for as long as your muscles allow you. But that is what it drops. It is now a superset. A superset is alternating sets of two different exercises with no rest in between. So this is like, I like to program in a push pull or pull push method in some of the old training books, Arnold talks about concentrating on the same muscle group and just pounding the hell out of it to exhaustion, to force that adaptation. But in this particular one, for this example, I like to do, if you're thinking push pull, or maybe you do a seated military press, and then you do a seated rows.

(12:38): So you're pushing and you're pulling and you're working different muscle groups too. That's a super set. And you do not rest in between that. So you'd do like 10 reps on the overhead press and then 10 reps on the row. And then you rest now a pyramid set is probably the most intense of the three. It's like a drop set where you work down in the weight, but up in the reps or the pyramid is you go right back up. So you would go down and you would come up. A great example is if you're standing in front of a dumbbell rack and you've got tens, twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, let's say you end up doing 10 reps of 10 to 50, and then you go right back down. You tend more reps in that particular scenario, you've done a hundred reps of dumbbells. And I tell you what, there will be a stimulus there.

(13:19): And if that's not high intensity interval training, if that's not constantly varied, if that's not functional, I don't know what it is. So those are the three techniques that I've been using for my program design. So I can stay fresh. I can stay excited about my training, helps me get out of a funk and it just adds a different level to your current routine. So that, that is the number seven thing that I learned drop sets, super sets and pyramid sets. That's how I've kept my training fresh through quarantine. And while I've been working out at home. All right, so number five and number six, these go together. Are you still eating breakfast every single day? Well, during quarantine, like a lot of people, I found myself with no goals, no direction and funny eating like crap. I did have some competitions planned for this year, but when everything got canceled, it's like, well, what do I do?

(14:06): All my goals are gone. And I started eating like a bum, sorry, sugar processed food, candy, whatever the hell was around the house. I was eating it. And I knew something had to change. Like this is not Katy danger. I don't eat like this, especially not on a continual basis. So I had to find some discipline and I started intermittent fasting, talked about this before. I also wrote an ebook on it. There's an 81 page ebook on my website, on the who, what, why and how you do intermittent fasting, but here's the deal. And there's also, I have another podcast on the whole thing about fasting, but the big picture is that fitness and nutrition is all dynamic. You never know when our goals are going to have to change. And when you get that feeling in your gut where you know that you're not doing the right thing for your overall goals, even though, you know, the goals have changed like they did in quarantine, March, April, may of this year, you have to do something different.

(14:57): So I've got this arsenal of all these disciplines and these concepts that keep me on track. So I just went back to them. And other things that I learned in 2020 number six is don't get pigeonholed in your fitness routine. You got to change it up. And number five is change up your eating habits. Look at what you're doing. If it's not working, you have to change it. And that's where intermittent fasting came in. For me, it gave me the discipline that I needed. It gave me a schedule to eat on, and it was just more cognizant of what I was putting in my body. And when, and it really, really helped me one get back on track, but to keep my body fat off. In fact, I talked at length in the podcast about this, the full podcast dedicated to fasting, but I'm not really a person who cares a lot of body fat, but with fasting, I've lost two additional percentage points of body fat.

(15:41): I'm now below 10% and I don't do anything else. Just the schedule of when I eat now, I tend to eat things that are wholesome and, you know, for the most part, stick to my 80, 20, 80% of the time I'm doing the right things. 20% of the time I'd enjoy that cookie, but fasting has helped a lot. So if you're struggling to find discipline, if you're struggling, maybe to keep off weight, lose weight, or you're just stuck, try intermittent, fasting, check out my ebook on it@coachkatiedanger.com as well. It's 81 pages and it's, it's a crash course. It will tell you exactly how to do it when to do it, why to do it, and then how to execute it to be successful for yourself. So that's five and number six. So let's go to number four now, Hey, how's your current training program? One of the most underrated ways to train is body weight movements, squats.

(16:30): Push-Ups pull-ups anything without our barbell and just using your body as a resistance is a body weight movement because of their importance. I created the body weight muscles training program, and the program consists of body weight workouts that anyone can do anywhere because you don't need a barbell or a gym to do these workouts. And the best part is the entire program is free and you get your copy@bodyweightmuscles.com. So head on over to bodyweight muscles.com. After this podcast is over and download the program and start adding body weight workouts. You are teens, you can build real functional strength.

(17:05): All right, number four, I talked about this a little bit with number nine, when we discussed using the leg press and you lateral training, but this is diving a little bit deeper. We all have asymmetries in life. You've probably already noticed that one arm or one leg is stronger than the other, you know, in your squats and your dead lifts in your overhead presses. That's okay. Most people have asymmetries. The problem arises when we don't take care to correct those. We're probably never, ever going to be 50 50 on one side. We're always going to be just a little lopsided that's humans. We're not always perfectly symmetrical, but in my case, I'm right side dominant. And in many of my lists, I have to be conscious to practice symmetry of movement. While my dominant side takes over, I've dealt with a few injuries in my competitive career.

(17:48): And the majority of those arose because I do not have symmetrical strength patterns. Our bodies are designed to move symmetrically as possible. So we're more powerful or stronger. And we are less likely to experience detrimental injuries when our muscles contract and relax in their natural patterns. And when they move together, simply put everything operates better. When we are at our most symmetrical that we can be, this is our upper body. This is our lower body. This is everything moving in. Sync, unilateral training. Number four, thing of the things I learned about health and fitness in 2020, and it's probably the least sexy of the things I talk about because unilateral training means you focus on an isolated exercise that promotes balance coordination and synchronicity of movement. It's not an option for me. Unilateral train is not an option. It is a necessity. You don't have to be an elite athlete to expect yourself to move the best that you can.

(18:40): In fact, I think everybody should be using these as a foundation of their exercise plan. It's about being honest and it's about keeping everything well oiled. My favorite unilateral exercises, single leg deadlifts. So I guess I didn't really define it. Unilateral trainers. When you just work one side of a specific body part in order to promote symmetry strength, maybe you've had an injury. So you only can use one side right now, but you got to keep it real, keep it real. And I want you to look at your training program. Then when you add in three sets of 10 to 12, moderately heavy single leg deadlifts every week, that's it just once a week. You really want to be your best, do it twice. But I promise you, if you use a moderate load on those single leg deadlifts, you're going to feel it in your hips and your glutes.

(19:22): I promise you. And the cool thing is it's going to make things like back squats, front squats box jumps, anything related to power and strength from your hips is going to get infinitely better. So as you go into 2021 with your training goals, assess where you can add unilateral training in and improve your symmetry. This could even be something that you add in at the end of your workout, or it could be something at the beginning of your workout to help you warm up. You don't have to go. You don't have to go ham on this. You just got to add it in this isn't necessarily about gaining strength and it is about performance, but don't go for broke on these. Don't go heavy for the sake of, of your ego. Okay? You'll let old training is about symmetry and the bigger picture of performance.

(20:03): All right. So now we're at number three. Number three, I did an entire podcast about it's about carbon monoxide poisoning. And most of us have experienced something in our lives. We never thought we'd ever have to, even with 2020 being a rollercoaster of a ride, I've been blessed a lot of times throughout 2020. However, in early April, I found out that we had a deadly carbon monoxide leak in our home from an old furnace that had gone in the blink. We found this out because our pets, our Guinea pigs started dying. In fact, five of them died in 10 days. And at first I thought it was just one who got sick. I mean, Guinea, pigs, pets, they get sick, they die. It happens. But then there was a second one and then there was a third one. And then after the third one, I knew something was very, very wrong.

(20:44): And I had some suspicions. This was during quarantine. So we were also spending a lot of time at home personally, before all this came to a head and we found out what was going on. I had experienced a lot of lethargy. I was tired. I wasn't really feeling my best, but you know, with quarantine and being at home and just all of those things in the new normal, we were all adjusting to. I kind of just chalked it up to that. I didn't really think much more, but we had been having some efficiency issues with our heater prior to this. So after the third Guinea pig died, I, I called up our landlords immediately and our suspicions were confirmed, but it wasn't before we lost two more Guinea pigs. So in total five died in 10 days. However, we did get our carbon monoxide issue fixed and we had a new heater installed.

(21:25): I often find myself going through phases where that circumstance, it doesn't bother me taking responsibility for it. And I've just moved on. But you know, then I reflect on it and Hey, I do have some anger left. I have some anger left because we had complained about our heater not being efficient before, but because COVID a lot of things were put off maintenance, wasn't coming to houses, people, weren't people weren't really doing a lot of stuff. And, you know, I thought about fitness at number one on my list of things that I learned, but ultimately it comes down to this. I mean the whole situation, the death of my Guinea pigs and things like that, it was very personal. But the over arching principle here is we take so much care into the food. We eat the water we drink. I really want you guys to be aware of the air quality in your home and my whole goal with sharing my story about this.

(22:10): And there's actually an entire podcast that I talked about this. So there's a whole nother episode dedicated to the story about what happened with the carbon monoxide poisoning and how we corrected it. But you gotta be cognizant of the air quality in your home. You spend so much time at home. It still brings me to tears. When I think about my pets who died, but you know, it's really possible that they did save our lives. I don't know what would have happened if we wouldn't have had our animals, you know, given us these signs that something was really, really wrong in our home. So of all the things I learned in 2020, this is number three. And it is my kind reminder to anyone who is listening, who do not have carbon monoxide detectors in your home, go out and get them right now. If you do have them in your home, test them monthly, make sure they work.

(22:52): It could save your life. And if you want more information on carbon monoxide, how it works, what it is, the causes of it. And then, you know, just a little deeper dive into the story and what happened to me go to an episode number 27, and it talks all about carbon monoxide. You can improve your knowledge on the issue. So get carbon monoxide detectors in your home. That's the number three lesson that I learned. Number two, number two, this one is a lot of fun. So I'm going to bring the vibe back up. Let's talk about something fun. Number two that I learned in 2020, is it hunger is not an emergency. It seems like a lifetime ago, but in February I decided to try a juice fast. I've told you guys before I will try anything once. So I got this crazy idea and I wanted to see what it was like to not eat solid foods for three whole days.

(23:35): I think I was scrolling Instagram one night and I came across to a guy. His name is Johnny juicer. And he went on a juice fast and he like drinks. A lot of juice. He does this a lot, but I'm like, I can do that. I want to see what that's like. So I chose three days. I chose three days and I was going to see what it was like to not eat solid foods for three whole days. I chose three days because it seemed long enough to be a challenge, but not long enough to drive me crazy. So I started on a loop, started on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. So for three whole days, 81 hours to be exact, I didn't need a single piece of solid food. I drank six juices a day. They ranged from green juices, lemon juice. And then this spiced almond milk that I had at night.

(24:17): I also hydrated. I was making sure I was drinking a lot of water. I was drinking at least 120 ounces of water a day. And I was supplementing with activated charcoal. And if you look up activated charcoal, it's recommended if you're doing a fast, because what it does is it AIDS the speed. It AIDS the process in which the liver is able to detoxify because charcoal, it has a electromagnetic charge. So what it does, it attracts all these negative ions, these negative molecules, the bad stuff that's in your liver, flushes it out and gets it out. So I took that. Now, prior to my juice fast, I was angry. I was a person who got hangry. I would literally get pissy and emotional. If I couldn't eat, when I wanted to eat, I always had snacks with me because I had to take the edge off.

(24:57): Now, post juice fast. I am not focused on food. I don't worry about the prep of food, the planning, the acquiring of it. I highly recommend it to anybody. If you've got issues with food and being hangry, now don't get me wrong. I still sometimes feel hangry. But now that I know I've gone three whole days without eating food. It's like, yo, Katie chill, you've gone three days without eating. You can go another hour or two. You're going to be fine. I'm going to say it again. Hunger is not an emergency. It's not an emergency. I did keep a diary of my three days. And if you want that full diary, just head on over to episode number 17 or go to my Instagram page because I do have a story highlight. And I documented in pictures my three days what I was drinking, how I felt you can kind of, I'm going to get the idea of the rollercoaster, right?

(25:48): It was, it wasn't easy. Don't get me wrong. It wasn't easy, but it was so worth it because now I know, Oh, you're hungry. Who cares? Katie? You've gone 81 hours without eating before. So it really isn't a big deal. It was awesome. It was a great experience. And that's why it's the number two thing that I learned in 2020. It literally changed my whole mindset about food. And I highly, highly suggest that you look into a juice fast of some kind. Maybe you start at 24 hours. Maybe you go balls to the wall and you go five to seven days. Whatever you do though, you will learn a lot about your relationship with food. All right. And number one, I don't know how many podcast episodes I have about this particular subject, but this is number one. It is mindset. The number one lesson I learned in 2020 is we need to adapt and adjust quickly.

(26:33): I know that everyone out there experienced some sort of struggle in 2020 quarantine. COVID even if it wasn't a major deal to you, even if you didn't actually catch COVID or know anybody who struggled with it in some way, shape or form, it affected your life. Maybe you couldn't travel maybe to upset your plans to go to a concert. You know, you couldn't see friends, you can have family gatherings. We've all been upset by this. We have had to adjust to this new normal as we're call it. And the foundation of that is mindset. Mindset is a foundation in which resiliency adaptation and all these other goals we have in the results are built upon for success. If you want fitness results, if you want that job promotion, you want a successful career and you want more money. It comes down to mindset. It is so hard to adapt and overcome.

(27:18): If you do not believe in yourself, it's the only impossible to see the forest through the trees. We have zero confidence or faith in your ability to do so now mindset isn't about that fuel. Good. Mumbo-jumbo that all these gurus talk about that maybe you hope you'll start believing in yourself. Sure. It is about hope, but it's not about just trying to believe in yourself. You got to build a foundation. You can stand on it no matter what gets thrown your way. You know, you're solid within yourself that you can overcome anything. I like to call this having your own back. So that's the foundation of my mindset is I always have my own back. I am my biggest fan. I always trust in myself. My foundation is built through daily healthy habits, habits, like reflecting on what I'm blessed with. I do a gratitude journal every single day.

(28:01): I write down four things in my personal life. I'm grateful for. And four things in my business life. I'm grateful for. I do this every single day. I trust in the process and I shut down any negative. Self-Talk if my little voice in my head tells me something that is not in line with my goals and vision for the future, I literally tell myself to stop it. Shut up. There's no place for negative self-talk in my life. What do you say when you talk to yourself, do you B rate yourself in your abilities? Do you think that you're not deserving or worthy of what you want in life athletes? The best advice I can tell you on forging a strong mindset and getting what you want out of life is this. There's no shortcut to having a good mindset. I will tell you that just prior to recording this episode, I sat down with my spouse and I was telling her, I was really struggling with some things about business and I won't get into it, but it's not something that it's not something that just happens.

(28:51): One day, it takes work. It takes constant work. It takes a desire to want the most out of this life. You can possibly get. I refuse to let negative. Self-Talk take over my day. If I have to take a moment and step back what I'm doing, I will do it. But I will always, always, always come back to the fact that I believe in myself, I am my biggest fan and I will get it done. You have to define what you believe. You got to get clear on what you want. You need to know why you want it. And then the strategy is very simple. How are you going to do it? Who are you going to talk to? What relationships are you going to build to do it? Are you going to apply for a new job? Are you going to take a course?

(29:31): Who do you have to become to achieve what you want out of life? But first and foremost, you got to believe that you're capable. The key to this whole thing is believing that you have control and dominion over your life to get what you want. I want you to start here. I want you to start here. If this isn't something that you're good at, or if this is something you struggle with, start here, believe in yourself, believe in yourself in the control that you have to shape your life and how you want it. You guys, the world can be a tough place, but you always have the choice to think differently and believe in your abilities. The hard truth is no one, absolutely no one, but yourself is going to believe in you as much as you will. So don't leave it up to chance.

(30:09): Don't leave it up to your friends and your family. Believe in yourself. You are the only person that you can count on 100% of the time. Trust in yourself today, trusting yourself tomorrow. And if the day ends in, why trust in yourself? And as an added bonus, if you've got a special person in your life who unconditionally loves you and stands by your side, it's a really, really big bonus because I would not be where I'm at today. I would not be able to share these wonderful things that I learned in 2020 with you, unless I had an awesome partner by my side. So I hope that you have a special person in your life that treats you well, and it has your back unconditionally. But if you don't, it's okay, because if you start to love yourself and believe in yourself and deem yourself worthy, that special person is going to come walk in and into your life and they'll be there for you.

(31:01): And you know what, I'm there for you. And I believe in you, I believe in you just as much as I believe in myself, athletes, those are the top 10 things I learned in 2020. And I'm actually incredibly grateful for 2020. I had, you know, I sat down and I was like, what did I learn this year? And I cut it down to 10 things, but there were some other things that didn't necessarily make the list. I'm kind of looking at my blooper reel right now. You know, here's some things that didn't make the cut planet, fitness planet fitness, actually, isn't all that bad. That is where I go now to get some isolated training, not that bad of a place when I couldn't go to the gym, I realized how much I needed it. I need the gym. Fitness is just so ingrained into my life, into my being that when the gyms were closed, it was really, really tough.

(31:50): That's another outtake. Oh, another one that didn't make the list. But I think it's just an important thing to know. Fitness is dynamic. Your fitness goals are going to change just earlier this year, just in January. I can't say just in January, almost a year now, but in January I did a CrossFit competition. I hadn't competed in like two years. And I came back and did a partner CrossFit competition. And I was planning on doing some more this summer. And then when everything changed, I'm like, man, if business is dynamic, you know, you have to roll with it no matter what, staying in shape, talking about the importance of fitness, not being sedentary, it helped, it helped. It helped get through quarantine. It helped get through all of 2020, because for me, the stimulus that fitness gives me whether I'm running, walking, sweating, jumping on my trampoline, whatever it is, it's who I am.

(32:37): And it's what makes me happy. If I can summarize all of these 10 things and even some of the things that didn't make the list, make sure in 2020 you do what your heart desires believe in yourself. Do what your heart desires, trust in yourself, roll with the punches and don't let anything get in your way. I hope that after listening to this whole podcast, as one of the longest ones I've done, but I hope that you can take some of these little nuggets of information and apply them right now and then use them to make 20, 20 your best year. Yet. I believe that you can do it. I believe in myself to do it. And I hope that this little soap box that I stand on in my podcast, I hope that it gives you a valuable, insightful and empowering way to make 20, 21 your best year yet, because you got this, you got this athletes and you can do anything you want to do.

(33:27): So there you go. The top 10 things that I learned about health and fitness in 2020, and I'm going to take all these lessons. I'm going to apply them in 2021. And I am really, really excited for what next year brings. So here's a few things you can do. Now go to my Instagram page, go to at coach Katie danger on Instagram and check out the visual representation of the things that I learned. I tried to post them a valuable picture for everything. You can check out my juice, fast diary on my Instagram stories. I have a highlight on my Instagram stories. You can go to coach Katie danger.com. You can check out my 81 page, intermittent fasting ebook, and I just want you to be the best you can. So if you guys got any questions, let me know. My new leg day workout program is available at leg day. Workout.Com, all one word leg day, workout.com. I really appreciate you hanging with me for another year, another episode and stay tuned because in the next episode, I'm going to give even more insightful, empowering, and valuable information that you can take and apply, and really start to amplify every facet of your life. Fitness included. You guys have a fantastic day, a fantastic week in a really great end of your 2020. Here's the 2021 athletes. This is coach Katie danger. I'll talk to you again next week. Over and out.

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