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Far too many people suffer in silence by taking on more work than they can handle. But your TRUE capacity is something your boss can’t possibly understand without being with you 24/7.
So how do you go about telling your boss that you have too much on your plate without coming across as weak, uncommitted, or not a team player?… READ MORE

Whether you’re just starting out in business, or you’ve got years of experience under your belt, each year brings about new marketing challenges. And each new marketing challenge brings key insights into how best to get in front of your audience.… READ MORE

This week’s podcast is about how to “unbroke” yourself. I have no idea if it will add anything to anyone’s life, especially since it teaches how to think and problem solve, and most people have no interest in doing either…… READ MORE

Go to www.AgentOnfire.com and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an incredibly powerful communication skill that can help you build trust and become more persuasive when getting more listings in real estate.… READ MORE

In the medical field, most companies, practitioners and patients are uncomfortable with talking about money.
The prevalence of sweeping money concerns under the rug is almost absurd, considering how openly currency is talked about in other industries.… READ MORE

What do morbidly obese people in stretchy pants with tattoos on their neck at Wal-Mart have to do with your business?
Once you figure out why so many people are overweight… and why the morbidly obese love Wal-Mart, you’ll know what you should NEVER do if you want to make a lot of money in business.… READ MORE

There are a lot of different realities you can align yourself with, but there are only a few realities that are going to take you to your goals. And understanding which levers to pull in to align yourself to the right reality is key as you move your business – and life forward.… READ MORE

If you want to scale your business without scaling your effort, you’ve probably run into a roadblock or two.
Maybe you had enough traffic but not enough people bought. Maybe you’ve watched your ad costs shoot higher and higher without seeing an increase in returns.… READ MORE

As a real estate investor, you know the market is crowded. It can even feel like your area is saturated.
In this Episode, you learn how to protect yourself from the woes of the market by building competitive advantage.… READ MORE

So you want to learn how to create million dollar marketing videos, but you don’t want to spend a ton of money? Then you’re in the right place.
Creating high quality marketing videos can be expensive – but it doesn’t have to be.… READ MORE

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