“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

I’m reading over the May issue of The Podcast Mogul Newsletter and I’m feeling a little guilty.
Why? Because after reading Cialdini’s “Influence” I realize I’ve been using most of these psychological methods of persuasion on my podcast listeners for years.… READ MORE

Isn’t it interesting.
When Dr. Robert Cialdini was writing the book “Influence” he was thinking about showing consumers how to protect themselves from devious hucksters and conmen.
Most of the research he did for the book was undercover, infiltrating organizations who used the 6 principles of persuasion to make fat stacks.… READ MORE

Check it,
After holding out for many years I finally broke down and read Cialdini’s “Influence.”
If you missed it, I recorded a short video and shared my sketch notes here:
If you haven’t read it yet, first check out my notes and video then grab yourself a copy.… READ MORE

I’m about to lose my membership in the “marketers club” when I tell you this.
But I read Cialdini’s Influence for the the first time ever today.
I’ve read little bits here and there researching online.… READ MORE

“Surround yourself only with people who will take you higher”
~ Oprah Winfrey
You can find a group of such people at http://ThePodcastFactory.com/youtube
Producer Jonathan… READ MORE

“I may be crazy, but it keeps me from going insane” ~ Waylon Jennings
One month ago I started a new adventure.
That’s when I decided to step out of the shadows of brilliant guys like Ben Settle, Doberman Dan, and Igor Khiefets to do my own thing.… READ MORE

Found this interesting tidbit in a new book I’m reading called Keep Your Brain Alive.
“Our brains are hardwired to seek out anything new and stimulating.
Scientist explain this phenomenon as an evolutionary adaption: Early humans who could spot a predator quick enough to survive passed on this novelty-seeking trait to their offspring.… READ MORE

A while back I had a guy ask me to help him.
His business was already doing several million per year and he was looking to expand his market share.
He had a blog, he had videos, and now he was looking to get into podcasting.… READ MORE

How about a little joke today?
Steve and Mark are camping when a bear suddenly comes out and growls.
Steve starts putting on his tennis shoes.
Mark says, “What are you doing? You can’t outrun a bear!”
Steve says, “I don’t have to outrun the bear—I just have to outrun you!”
Its the same with your market.… READ MORE

When I left my job as an electrician I had no clue what I was doing.
All I knew was how much I hated my job, my life, and my measly little pay checks.
I was depressed and I needed a change.
2004 was a hot time in real estate.… READ MORE

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