“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

Look, I know that you’re not a one podcast type of person – and I’m ok if you want to listen to shows that aren’t on The Podcast Factory network.
But I want you to tell me…
What podcasts do you listen to?… READ MORE

Well, you know how people need to trust you before they buy from you? Most people want to buy from people they like. Everybody knows that podcasting is a great way to build authority in your market.
That’s why in today’s training call I show you how to become the most trusted authority in your market in only 20 minutes per week using podcasting.… READ MORE

There’s no question that podcasting is a great way to build your authority.
And, according to Edison research the average listener makes more dough, is better educated, and spends more time listening to podcast shows than most other mediums.… READ MORE

One of the worst parts to having your own business is having to hire new people.
Sure, it’s nice to have some help.
But what usually happens is you spend a bunch of time running ads and doing interviews.
Then you bring someone onto your team and you have to train them.… READ MORE

I was on a call the other day with a client and I asked him,
“Why do you want to get into podcasting?”
And he replied, “I want to build trust and credibility with my market.”
And you know what, podcasting is an awesome tool for you to build authority on your market in a hurry.… READ MORE

I’m not sure who started all the hype about getting sponsorships for your podcast,
But it’s a pipe dream that won’t pan out for most of you.
Here’s why:
According to Libsyn (one of the world’s largest podcast hosting companies) the average podcast show only gets 140 downloads per episode.… READ MORE

I’m about to make a damaging admission,
I write seven days per week and the hardest email to write is this one.
Usually on Sunday’s I send out a blurb about all the shows at The Podcast Factory this week – but I’m not doing that today.… READ MORE

Last week I asked for some help getting my vanity URL on You Tube and a bunch of you came to my aid.
Thank You!
I was able to score my fresh new URL http://www.youtube.com/c/ThePodcastFactory
And I wanted you to know I’ve got a bunch of new videos in the works for you including:
* More of your favorite shows on You Tube
* Some really cool testimonials from people you know and like
* What I’m reading now (book reviews)
* A series of 10 videos on tips, tricks, and pitfalls to avoid when you get into podcasting
I’ll keep you posted as new videos come out.… READ MORE

Has the long learning curve kept you out of podcasting?
Not knowing what equipment to use, how to record your show, and what to do once you’ve got it all on tape making it hard for you to get into the podcasting game?… READ MORE

It’s always funny to me when I see how puzzled people get when they try and figure out how to make dough with their podcast show.
It’s probably because of all the B.S. they’ve heard about getting sponsors. They think that’s the only way to make a buck with their show.… READ MORE

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