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We all have bullies in business. We usually call them haters.
I love all my bullies — and you should too. As a child, nothing taught me more about business than getting bullied by dirtbag kids.
In fact, I’ve made millions of dollars as a direct result of being bullied.… READ MORE

There has never been more opportunity for you to build legacy wealth. But at the same time, you’re being programmed every day to become a mouthbreathing loser. 
The media tries to brainwash you.READ MORE

Making a lot of money in sales isn’t a special talent. Any moron can do it — especially when they’re selling a great product. 
But most sales guys conflate making a lot of money with success. And it’s easy to hire one of these guys who say they’re amazing at sales, but will actually hurt your business and company culture. READ MORE

Most entrepreneurs aren’t happy right now. They think that once they hit a certain revenue number, they’ll magically become happy.
But money doesn’t create happiness. It’s an old cliché, but it’s true.… READ MORE

When you lose the biggest deal of your life, your mind automatically goes into “broke mode.” Instead of seeing it as an opportunity to double down, we ransack our minds and try to figure out every possible way to save a few pennies (until the next deal comes around).… READ MORE

Everyone has big, lofty goals. But most people fall short of them (if they even come close). 
Why is this? 
It’s easier to talk about it than be about it. Everyone is a trillionaire in their mind, but nobody takes the time to plot their goals so they know if they’re achieving them or falling short. READ MORE

People are always talking about what they want. They create dream boards filled with every material item they want in life. But they don’t focus on what they don’t want to do.
Nothing is as powerful as realizing what you don’t want to do.… READ MORE

Most people dream too small. And even though everyone has a different excuse, it can all be fixed with one thing: auditing your thoughts.
We are all filled with negative thoughts that stunt our growth if we don’t ask where they come from.… READ MORE

People love putting themselves in agony even though they don’t need to. And you do this every time you focus on your problems instead of the solutions to your problems.
Business is already not easy.… READ MORE

Too many people settle for a mediocre life instead of living their dreams. Why? Because our minds play tricks on us and fool us into being average.
Here’s the cold, hard truth:
It’s hard to make more than a million dollars.… READ MORE

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