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If you want to know what it really takes to become a successful Entrepreneur, then you are in for a treat today.
Joe Evangelisti is a fellow real estate investor, all-round genuine dude, AND podcaster.
You’ve probably heard the quote about ‘how you do anything is how you do everything,’ right?


In this episode, Bob Gardner is back to talk about battling addiction, dropping the habits, and ending the fight.
He dives into dreaming BIG, the idea of possibility, dealing with your doubters, and the wrong way to deal with an addiction.…


Listen. If you think you’re never going to overcome the hurdles of addiction and negative thoughts you may be facing, I’ve got news for you brother…
Bob disagrees.
If you’re stuck battling addictive behaviors, then today’s guest is here to help you beat it FOR GOOD and help you can become the father, husband, and man you’ve always wanted to be.…


What would you say if I offered you an opportunity to PRINT money?
Would you turn it down?
Would you wait, procrastinate, and put it off till the time was right?
Or would you take me up on the offer?
Today my friend, you are in luck.…


In this episode, special guest Bob Holdsworth shares with you how to get out of the time-for-money trap, how he retains clients (some for nearly 30 years!), and the very thing that you actually need help with to grow your business to the next level.…


Today we’re talking about how you can do business – and create more success and freedom – on your own terms.
I’m talking about…

Being able to have more space in your life to enjoy family or whatever YOU want most.…


Mental toughness.
The ability to push through difficult situations and win battles that people will never see us fight – all while maintaining peak performance. It’s what separates the elite from the average, and the only way to develop this muscle is through training and hard work.…


Here’s a newsflash: The world owes you nothing.
If you want something, you have to get out there and work for it.
This is one of the most important episodes I’ve ever put out.
Take 15 minutes out of your day to listen to this episode – maybe even re-listen to it so you can really understand and internalize this life-changing lesson.…


Ever wondered how some people seem to have everything come to them easily…meanwhile, for you, life feels like a Lord of the Rings battle montage for every scrap of progress?
Sometimes it even feels like the universe gets a thrill from creating obstacles so you have to go the long way around!…


This is part two of a series on the transformative power of mentorship with Brandon Neely. We continue where we left off to talk about key qualities to look for in a mentoring relationship, where Brandon found his first mentor, the mission to solve financial poverty plus a whole bunch more.…


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