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I’m constantly amazed at how many seemingly normal and intelligent people submit to
CIA MK Ultra mind control programming… and for all intents and purposes what
amounts to an HOURLY gummint anal probe.… READ MORE

Are you playing life to your full strengths? Or does it feel like you’re trying to force a square peg into a round hole?
Although many of us live day-to-day lives with plenty to manage, there’s only really a few fundamentals we have complete control over.… READ MORE

If you’re an expert based business owner, and struggling to scale to 7 figures, you can’t afford to miss this episode. Chris and Taylor share their insights into why many entrepreneurs hit a brick wall and remain stuck at a 6 figure ceiling, unable to breakthrough to the next level.… READ MORE

Sometimes, no matter how much we love what we do, there’s this little voice at the back of our minds that triggers our mom guilt.
And the reason for it is because we can’t be everywhere at once. We’re stuck in that place between what we WANT to do and what we NEED to do.… READ MORE

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
I am so thrilled about today’s episode!
11 key elements of a remarkable brand story, I know 11 sounds like a lot but trust me it’s totally doable.… READ MORE

At our last Newell Strength holiday party, I was asked my thoughts on intermittent fasting. I sort of chuckled because I thought the person asking was messing with me … Turns out, they really wanted to know.READ MORE

Today’s podcast is about the exact marketing, email, copywriting, and other trainings I listen to (often a dozen or more times over the years) while walking my dog, taking a shower, and even while playing video games.… READ MORE

I recently launched a new book on Amazon.
And now yours truly is a 3-time international best selling author.
By the way, when I proffered that as payment for my small coffee at Starbucks the other
day, the girl behind the counter looked at me like I had three heads and said, “That’ll be
$50, please.” (Or whatever astronomical price they’re charging for a small coffee these
But that’s neither here nor there.… READ MORE

If you’re not collectively tracking your data, you’re just guessing.
The famous Peter Drucker once said ‘what gets measured gets managed’.
The vast majority of people don’t take the time to measure their results, and as a result, get frustrated as to why they never reach the level of success they desire.… READ MORE

If you’re looking for a profitable niche for your coaching business, but you’ve no idea where to start, this episode has YOU in mind.
Finding a niche can be a minefield at times with all the conflicting information out there.READ MORE

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