How we feel about ourselves and what kind of lens we view business through shapes our ability to actually succeed.
Working that inner confidence muscle is exactly what our guest is going to help us work through today.… READ MORE
As a holistic practitioner, you’ve got many options with which you can help people: Acupuncture, herbs, supplements or simply listening and caring, all those help your patients live better lives.… READ MORE
Recently at a mastermind, the chick who organized it gave me a magnificent compliment, when she said:
“You’re like a crotchety old guy in a young man’s body.”
And that’s why I am a much bigger fan of anti-social media vs social media.… READ MORE
Wars have been fought with silver bullets but Civil War history offers little consolidation.
Modern income tax was introduced in 1913 as a tax for the very top earners – irrelevant to most Americans.… READ MORE
Gawd, the Internet Marketing world is pretty pathetic.
With all their “super-secret ninja strategies” that you can buy TODAY… and you’ll
become a cash millionaire by next week.
What a big steaming pile of doody.… READ MORE
If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re taking on a giant challenge. Running and growing a business isn’t for everyone. Being a business owner takes grit and determination.
To keep going when things get tough, you need a strong reason why you do what you do.… READ MORE
But what it lacks in flash, it makes up for in substance…and sales!
The best part about using LinkedIn to grow your jewelry sales is that people are already in the business mindset when they’re on the site.… READ MORE
Have you ever asked yourself “Where does all my money GO?!” Expenses add up quickly and far too few of us protect a sizable portion of our earnings for investments. But even those of us who do rarely make investments in the most important asset of all – ourselves.… READ MORE
Being an Entrepreneur can often feel like you’re in the midst of a bloody battle as you strive to level up. It can be hard as hell and there’s no handbook on creating something out of nothing.
In this private training episode, Taylor shares how to conquer the TWO battles for success as an Entrepreneur (the second battle is where the majority of people lose).… READ MORE
This week’s podcast is a peek into my righteous swipe file, revealing the top 10 sales letters I study, and believe anyone else should study, copy out by hand, and use as case studies, too.… READ MORE