There’s a scary trend I’m noticing everywhere I look.
More and more people are doing it.
And every time someone says it to me, I get so angry the blood boils in my brain to the point where I feel like steam should start shooting from my ears making a high pitch whistling sound like a tea kettle.… READ MORE
When I was working in Maryland way back in 2000 I used to hang out in the mean streets of Baltimore.
If you’ve ever seen “The Wire” then you know exactly what these streets looked like. If you haven’t just picture a row of houses where half are abandoned and boarded up and the other half are trashed.… READ MORE
When I asked people what their big takeaway was from my talk, I kept hearing the same thing over and over again.
“I never thought of that”
“It’s so simple and so obvious I don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself”
“I’m going to do this right now”
And on and on they went about the first tip I dropped in my talk to the folks of The Podcast Discovery Center.… READ MORE