Financial advisors, marketers and other businesses have used email marketing to attract clients for decades.
But when social media came around, self-proclaimed experts started announcing the death of email marketing.… READ MORE
Most advisors think succeeding in financial services is all about getting the right certifications, meeting the right people and doing good work for your clients.
But in reality, some advisors struggle to build a sustainable business for decades while others break six figures in a few years. … READ MORE
Some prospects show up to the first meeting ready to hire you as their new financial advisor. They already trust you, know you’re competent and want to get started right away.
But most prospective clients aren’t like that.… READ MORE
Most financial advisors fail with the same marketing strategies. They hound prospects on LinkedIn, collect business cards at networking events and analyze the stock market in their newsletter.
That’s why most financial advisors look like empty suits to prospective clients.… READ MORE
Most financial advisors spend tons of time getting clients: They cold-call hundreds of leads, go to networking meetings they hate and harass existing clients for referrals.
But you don’t have to use those outdated methods that chase prospects away.… READ MORE
Keeping clients happy is hard. They want you to deliver great returns, be available at short notice and know about every change in the markets.
But if you do whatever your client tells you to do, you’ll get the blame when their own decisions tank their portfolio.… READ MORE
You can find “proven” marketing strategies anywhere on the internet. And many of those might have worked for someone at some point in time.
But that doesn’t mean they’ll get you any clients.… READ MORE
Most financial advisors want wealthy, older clients because more investable assets mean higher earnings per client. But serving the “old & rich” demographic is an uphill battle.
millionaires are flooded with financial advisors who’ve got the perfect plan for their hard-earned wealth. … READ MORE
If you want to get fit, you’ve got to exercise every single day. If you want to get smarter, you’ve got to learn something every day. And if you want more clients, you’ve got to work on your marketing every day. … READ MORE
Marketing is tricky. Some advisors spend thousands of dollars on a slick logo, professional pictures and a beautiful website without getting a single client.
Meanwhile, other advisors get red-hot leads on the phone with nothing but a LinkedIn profile. … READ MORE