“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

It’s weird – I can sit at my computer and bang out an email to you no problemo.
But when I decided to write a book I’d sit looking at this blank screen wondering what I should say.
I guess that’s why it took me so long to finish my first book, “Podcast Recipes – 50 recipes to build your brand, grow your audience, and make more money.”
I just got the final version back from the editor and I’m happy that it’s finally ready to share with you.… READ MORE

I got this email the other day and I wanted to share it with you.
“Hi Jonathan, I really like you as a person and what you do but I’m not into podcasting enough to get an email a day about it. I gotta go.… READ MORE

You can’t talk about podcasts without mentioning iTunes.
There’s a good reason for that, a little while back Apple reported hitting one billion subscribers to their podcast shows.
And I can tell you, in my experience at The Podcast Factory 95% of our listens come from iTunes.… READ MORE

There’s a scary trend I’m noticing everywhere I look.
More and more people are doing it.
And every time someone says it to me, I get so angry the blood boils in my brain to the point where I feel like steam should start shooting from my ears making a high pitch whistling sound like a tea kettle.… READ MORE

I never thought I’d do this,
But after several bad rounds of hires over the past few months I’m trying something totally different.
For years I’ve worked with contractors from sites like Odesk and Elance.… READ MORE

When I was working in Maryland way back in 2000 I used to hang out in the mean streets of Baltimore.
If you’ve ever seen “The Wire” then you know exactly what these streets looked like. If you haven’t just picture a row of houses where half are abandoned and boarded up and the other half are trashed.… READ MORE

Podcasting is hot right now, in this weeks video you’ll get four reasons to start a podcast.
If you’ve procrastinating about starting a podcast, this video will give you plenty of reasons to stop wasting time and start your show right now.… READ MORE

I was reading an article in Money Magazine called, “The unexpected payoff of failure.”
It talked about three big benefits to failing:
1. You’ll learn more from your failures than your successes.… READ MORE

I’ve got this buddy Ben who’s been making a living from selling a paid print newsletter for the last 5 or 6 years.
When I decided to start publishing my own print newsletter he was the first person I went to for advice.… READ MORE

You ever hear the story of the overnight success?
It only took him or her ten years to get there.
That’s the case with most great achievements. Nobody sees the hard work it takes to get there, the only see the glorious end result.… READ MORE

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