“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

My first podcast show aired June 4th 2009.
Like most people start their shows, I jumped in without a plan.
I decided to podcast, recorded a show, and put it on the air. I didn’t even have a name for it yet.… READ MORE

David Garfinkel
Brian Kurtz
David Deutsch
Brian Voiles
Lori Haller
Tom Schreiter
Richard Armstrong
Walter Bregman
Joseph Schreifer
If these names mean anything to you then you know this is a who’s who of the copywriting A-List.… READ MORE

I’ve heard some rumbling from people wondering why I haven’t made a new “on screen” video in a month.
A while back I started doing these snapchat videos where I held my iPhone close to my face while recording a short video.… READ MORE

I was reading the Wall Street Journal the other day when I came across this article about daydreaming.
Turns out a clinical professor of psychology at the University of Haifa in Israel says when individuals immerse themselves in vivid alternate universes which they prefer to reality – it should be considered a mental disorder with clinical diagnosis and treatment options.… READ MORE

The only thing that kept going through my mind was,
“I don’t want to be here, I don’t want to do this”
It kept playing in my head over and over like a broken record.
That’s when the guy in front of me rolled up the door, gave me a thumbs up, and jumped out.… READ MORE

Had an interesting interview the other day where the host asked me why most podcasters aren’t making any dough with their shows.
And what I said took her totally by surprise.
Find out what it was at https://thepodcastfactory.com/cheryltan
Producer Jonathan… READ MORE

When I first started as a real estate investor I used to LOVE going to Home Depot.
I’d spend hours picking up tools and supplies for my projects daily. It was part of my routine that I enjoyed. I really liked the idea of picking up raw materials and turning them into something useful and beautiful.… READ MORE

Yesterday I told you about my new adventure with Dan Sullivan’s Strategic Coach program.
The entire first quarter was dedicated to taking control of my time.
Dan believes that entrepreneurs work better when they manage their time like movie stars.… READ MORE

It’s been a rough couple of weeks at The Factory.
I looked like Donald Trump on the apprentice when I went on a firing spree that ended in two clients and three team members being fired.
They’re dropping like flies around here and everyone is tiptoeing on egg shells afraid to have me look in their direction because they don’t know what I’ll do next.… READ MORE

I’ve got another awesome book review for you this week.
The book is called Mindset by Carol Dweck
It should come as no surprise to you it was recommended by the team at Strategic Coach.
It’s packed with information on parenting, relationships, business and all sorts of stuff.… READ MORE

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