“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

For years I heard about it and wanted to get in.
The only problem was the investment to join seemed astronomical to me.
Finally, late last year I decided to pony up the dough to join the Strategic Coach program.… READ MORE

When my mom died fifteen years ago I was still working as an electrician and dead broke.
I didn’t even have enough dough to buy a suit for her funeral.
Luckily, I had this very good friend who offered to buy me a suit.… READ MORE

“Jonathan, why didn’t you TALK to me before you decided to cancel me? Don’t you think I should be the one to decide if I get cancelled?”
That’s a small part of the tirade I got from a subscriber whom I banished from the Podcast Mogul list.… READ MORE

It’s weird – I can sit at my computer and bang out an email to you no problemo.
But when I decided to write a book I’d sit looking at this blank screen wondering what I should say.
I guess that’s why it took me so long to finish my first book, “Podcast Recipes – 50 recipes to build your brand, grow your audience, and make more dough.”
I just got the final version back from the editor and I’m happy that it’s finally ready to share with you.… READ MORE

No time to dilly dally today.
Why? Because The next Podcast Mogul Newsletter goes to the printer tomorrow.
And this one is gonna be different.
Along with your newsletter subscription you’re also getting my brand spanking new book “50 Podcast Recipes to Build Your Brand, Grow Your Audience, and Make More Dough.”
Here are some highlights from the book:
* Three questions to ask yourself before you start podcasting
* 4 steps to manufacture your celebrity status
* How you can build your credibility (super -fast)
* Getting other people to do your marketing for you
* How you can get all the benefits of podcasting without all the work
* An under the radar way to get more clients and customers
* A simple way to get people back to your website (even when they’re not listening to your podcast show)
* How you can start your podcast show with No Money Down
* A crazy recipe that will make any Guru you choose fall in love with you
* How to hack iTunes to get top rankings
* A way to use something most podcasters laugh at to build your email list and make more sales.… READ MORE

This message is only for people interested in having their own top rated podcast show.
If you don’t have a show, or don’t plan on having one anytime soon and you just read these daily notes for entertainment value and free tips – you can skip this one.… READ MORE

It was 2008 and my whole world came crumbling down around me.
There was a mountain of bills and all our properties were being foreclosed on.
I lost everything, including my house and my Dad’s house too.… READ MORE

I started a new series on my You Tube Channel called motivation Mondays.
Vision boards never worked for me. Instead, I found a way to keep myself motivated to get all the things I want without having to wait for them.… READ MORE

Some people wonder why I write you every day.
And it’s simple – I’ve got a lot to say and I couldn’t possibly do it with one email per week.
Actually, I could – but it would be more like a book and no one would read it.… READ MORE

I remember when I started my first podcast in 2009,
I thought I’d be the next Howard Stern. Fame and riches would come pouring in and I would never have to work again.
Boy was I wrong.
All I did was create a thankless job for myself where the pay was terrible.… READ MORE

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