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Check it,
I've got an idea for a new show at The Podcast Factory and I need some super fans.
Here's how you know if you qualify:
1. You listen to 2 or more Podcast Factory Shows
2. You've purchased and successfully used products from our show hosts

True story,
My first three years in podcasting I lost a lot of dough and time.
I nearly quit.
If it weren't for a friend who convinced me to take one more shot at it,
The Podcast Factory wouldn't exist today.… READ MORE

Yes, this is a blatant sales pitch for my Podcast Intensive training.
If you've been hiding out under a rock or missed any of my emails this week, here's what's inside:
Video #1: "How to hunt down your listeners like the FBI hunts serial killers"

One reason people won’t listen to your podcast and what you must do to have them lining up waiting for your show before you even launch it
How to attract all the ‘hell yeah’ listeners like a magnet to your podcast.… READ MORE

It's scary how many people start their podcast shows with no idea how they will "monetize" it.
And that's a big mistake.
Why? Because podcasting is going to take dough and time if you expect to get an ROI from it.… READ MORE

Check it, yesterday I dropped you a note to let you know about video two in my Podcast Intensive training.
But I saved the best for today's email.
See, video two is the thickest of the series because it's all about building your listenership (even before you build your show.)
You heard about my "list jacking" method and how it was better than any paid traffic I have ever used.… READ MORE

I've tried Facebook ads.
I've used Google and Bing ads.
I've done solo ads.
Nothing works as good as my "list jacking" method to ethically stealing other people's audience.… READ MORE

Most people start their podcast show backwards.
They worry about the equipment, and the packaging, and the technical details before taking time to consider the most important part of a podcast.
Who will be listening?… READ MORE

Check it,
One of the biggest hangups I hear from up and coming podcasters is, "Who will listen to my show?"
And that's a valid question. If you don't have a plan when you get started you could be recording a show no one cares about.… READ MORE

No time for chit chat today,
There's a bunch of new stuff brewing at "The Factory."
In the past couple of days I've recorded new shows with some fan favorites including Ben Settle & Dan Meredith.… READ MORE

If you're not getting the important things done in your business,
You might be suffering from "Information Overload."
Good news is, I've got the fix for you inside this 4 minute video

Producer Jonathan
16877 E.… READ MORE

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