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Show highlights include:

Why bodyweight training crushes powerlifting training in a fight (4:29)
Why having cerebral palsy or any other degenerative disease isn’t an excuse to neglect exercise (5:14)
Your physical body will never matter as much as this often overlooked thing… (7:27)
Two forbidden words you should never say when it comes to your fitness regimen (7:58)
The subtle mindset shift that “bulletproofs” your mind from negative thoughts (8:30)
How to develop an iron-clad will that will help you squash any obstacle in your path (12:31)
Struggling with motivation?…


Show highlights include:

The magic formula for finding your maximum heart rate especially if you have no data (2:22)
Why intense workouts will backfire on you if you’re trying to decrease your body fat, lower your blood pressure, or lower your cholesterol (4:30)
How to “trick” your body into building new blood vessels to increase your heart and lung capacity and endurance (5:49)
The heart rate zone secret for giving yourself an unfair mental advantage when you’re training (9:30)
Why not understanding your heart rate zones will sabotage your fitness goals (10:46)
3 key heart rate features to look out for before buying a fitness watch (11:51)
The biggest mistake you’re making if you wear any kind of heart rate tracking technology (15:35)

The most important thing you can do to amplify your competitive success is focus on your nutrition.…


Show highlights include:

How eating an entire bag of pretzels in one sitting can make you healthier (1:40)
Did you know that over 90% of this plant grown in the United States and used in your favorite snacks are genetically-modified?…


Show highlights include:

How to “mimic” what a weight belt does to your body without splurging on an expensive weight belt (2:18)
Why using a weight belt can backfire on you and make you weaker (3:04)
You should only use a weight belt at this specific percentage of your one rep max (3:20)
The powerlifter’s trick to lift heavier weights with ease (6:06)
How to reduce pain and swelling in your knees so you can recover quicker and perform better (8:24)
How insurance agencies fundamentally sabotage the relationship with your personal trainer (12:11)
The ugly truth about why you wear a weight belt that will sacrifice your results over time (19:37)
The absolute worst time to wear a weight belt (21:21)

If you want to schedule a virtual appointment with Sami Herbster or learn more about how she can help you, visit her website at https://www.posturalsolution.com/ or send her an email at sami@samihersbterpt.com.…


Show highlights include:

The “unsexy secret” to training that’s all too important if you want to maximize your results (1:37)
The admittedly weird way your feelings influence your training sessions (2:10)
How to spot the common symptoms of overtraining (5:33)
The only 3 letters you need to know to make sure you’re not overtraining (7:26)
Why the silly, outdated, and archaic model of training will leave you broken and burnt out (11:14)

The most important thing you can do to amplify your competitive success is focus on your nutrition.…


Show highlights include:

How to increase your blood flow, improve lung function, and strengthen your muscle contractions doing nothing more than drinking this tasty drink (2:54)
The dead simple way to increase your performance by 16% or more (3:54)
Do you struggle with inflammation after a workout?…


Show highlights include:

How to take control of your day — especially in a chaotic world (1:49)
The sly way the media creates unnecessary fear and anxiety in you (3:47)
The single most important thing you can do during a quarantine to keep your sanity (4:41)
Why there’s no better time in history to analyze and evaluate your habits (4:32)
The “quick and easy” way to control your thoughts (5:02)
You must do this one thing before watching the news to prevent you from getting overwhelmed with anxiety and fear (6:45)
The Corporation’s secret for staying grounded and centered during tough times (7:12)
Why your gym shutting down isn’t an excuse to stop exercising (9:17)

The most important thing you can do to amplify your competitive success is focus on your nutrition.…


Show highlights include:

How a juice fast will magically add way more time to your day (6:01)
The easy way to sweat like crazy — especially when you’re sulking during your juice fast (9:03)
Half the trick to not throwing in your towel halfway through your juice fast (9:47)
The biggest mistake you’re making during a juice fast that obliterates your productivity (17:23)
How a juice fast will alter your relationship with hunger (17:45)
How something as silly as fasting has a profound impact on your gratitude (19:32)

The most important thing you can do to amplify your competitive success is focus on your nutrition.…


Show highlights include:

How tiny 1% advantages will give you a massive unfair advantage (1:14)
The surprisingly optimistic truth about why you’ll never reach your full potential (2:50)
The biggest mistake people make that eliminates all the benefits of red light therapy (12:43)
How to get the most bang for your buck when doing red light therapy (13:00)
The 3 biggest benefits of red light therapy (18:24)

The most important thing you can do to amplify your competitive success is focus on your nutrition.…


Show highlights include:

The sneaky way your beliefs impact the world around you (3:39)
The admittedly “strange” book that inspired Kobe Bryant to adopt the Mamba Mentality (4:25)
Struggle with doubt?…


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