Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

In this episode, you’ll learn… 

Why you should celebrate being in a funk (and why it’s the first step for finding joy) (3:04)
The trick for spending a whole day relaxing (without feeling lazy of guilty) (4:39)
The “Inner Circle Secret” that helps you get through stressful and overwhelming situations with ease (5:33)
Why perfectionism slowly sabotages your relationships with your best friends (6:15)
The “Paris Philosophy” for your career that will make you one of the happiest people in America (7:31)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn… 

The reason you’re constantly stressed out, anxious, and lashing out at everyone around you (and how to fix it today) (1:18) 
Why trying to be a “supermom” will erode your relationship with your kids and make you feel you worse about yourself (3:27) 
How to feel deeply alive and fulfilled every day in 5 minutes or less (5:58) 
The 5-minute Self-care method that gets you feeling deeply alive and fulfilled (5:58)
The counterintuitive reason being selfish strengthens all your relationships (even with God) (7:13) 

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn… 

Why trying to please your parents is a dangerous road that puts your anxiety on steroids (1:21)
The rarely talked about “Striving Addiction” that steals all your joy and sanity (3:19)
Why your greatest, most impressive accomplishments won’t mean squat on your deathbed (and what to focus on instead so you’re at peace) (3:55)
The subtle mindset shift that puts being still on “easy mode” — especially when you’re overwhelmed with work (6:00)
Why perfectionism is like a poison that will slowly destroy your career, your relationships, and your happiness (7:31)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn… 

How to decide if you should re-enter the workforce after taking over a decade off to raise your kids (11:27)
Feel like you lost yourself? Here’s why a mundane 9-5 can help you find your purpose (12:38)
Why mothers feel like every day is Groundhog’s Day and how to stop yourself from falling in the “laundry and dishes trap” (14:46)
How spending less time at home instantly makes you a better stay-at-home mom (16:47)
The “What If Method” that makes difficult, life-altering decisions a breeze (20:42)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn… 

Why forgiving people helps you find peace — especially when they don’t deserve it (2:31)
How not forgiving people drowns you in pain and suffering that sabotages the rest of your life (3:10)
Why forgiveness is the fastest way to improve your mental health (6:02)
4 practical steps that make forgiving your arch enemy as easy as taking candy from a baby (8:31)

If you’d like to learn more about Kimberly or schedule an online healing appointment with Roar House Ministry and Healing Room, follow them on Instagram, Facebook, or send an email directly to Kimberly at roarhouseministries@gmail.com.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

How Hebrews 11-1 helps you get through the most desperate times of your life (5:21)
The sneaky way a fear of rejection ruins all of your best relationships (7:08)
How hitting rock bottom can propel you to reach your full potential (7:22)
Why you can hit rock bottom at what seems like the best time of your life (7:37)
The almost crazy way prayer is strong enough to reattach broken tendons (11:12)
How to download all of God’s wisdom to help you start a business, save your marriage, or overcome any tough obstacle on your path (24:20)

If you’d like to learn more about Kimberly or schedule an online healing appointment with Roar House Ministry and Healing Room, follow them on Instagram, Facebook, or send an email directly to Kimberly at roarhouseministries@gmail.com.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover…

The insidious way thoughts from your childhood can creep up and cripple your self-esteem today (3:46)
Why journaling banishes your endless, insecure thoughts about your body (5:39)
How the number on the scale can suffocate your family life and job performance (6:20)
Why nutrition courses, meal plans, and fitness coaches can trap you in the vicious cycle of negative self-talk about your weight (and what to do instead) (7:09)
Subconscious lies you tell yourself that that keep you losing weight (8:50)
The simple, but challenging way to finally feel good when you see your reflection (13:18)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

How prayer can help you find important items you thought you lost (3:38)
Why comparison paralyzes your self-esteem (and the easy way to get it back) (6:33)
How God transforms shy wallflowers into brave leaders (11:45)
Why God helps you feel more energetic, more productive, and happier (14:15)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

How to finally convince yourself to get off the couch after you’ve battled depression for months (9:10)
How Jesus can heal your toughest physical, mental, or spiritual suffering (10:38)
Why you should celebrate when doubt creeps into your head (23:41)
How to banish doubt from your mind when it starts to rear its ugly head (25:30)
How making one tweak can transform your life in 7 days or less (30:57)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

The weird way fasting puts your prayers on “steroids” (8:22)
How to finally break free from the chains of misery to live a happier and more free life (15:46)
Common misconceptions on fasting that are thwarting your spiritual breakthrough (16:08)
The counterintuitive way working out could drive you further from God (20:51)
How spending more time in prayer gives you MORE time in your day (24:42)
Why fasting for the wrong reasons hijacks all its benefits (30:45)
The simple, yet challenging way to have an inner transformation that brings you closer to God (32:04)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

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