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Sparking Interest in Construction & Maker Trades for Career-Choosing Women & Girls. She Built This City’s mission is to provide industry disruptive programming that sparks interest and builds pathways to lucrative careers in the skilled trades for youth, women and marginalized communities.… READ MORE

As a small business owner/builder there are always new challenges to face and overcome. Jennifer Hoffman shares with us her journey and growth over the last two years.
Show highlights Include:

How to position yourself for growth (even during times of record-breaking inflation) (4:40)
How to avoid stretching yourself too thin as the price of material and labor skyrockets (7:55)
How to guide client’s expectations and manage overhead at the same time. … READ MORE

Over the last 4 decades, The Great Game of Business has built a community of businesses that are committed to a better life for themselves and for their employees. People often tell us The Great Game of Business sounds wonderful, but they want to know if it really works.… READ MORE

Having a solid set of core values and strong relationships with your clients and trades will pave the way for success in your business.
Show Highlights Include:

Why having no background in real estate development gives your construction company an unfair advantage (7:02)
The weird way starting (and growing) a business in a recession is a blessing in disguise (9:00)
The “School District” secret for never running out of new buyers (10:52)
Why cultural fit is the #1 best way to find the perfect teammates to grow your business (even if they’re under qualified) (25:46)
Why the remodeling business will boom over the next few years (31:35)

If you’d like to connect with Jenny and the Icon Builders Group, you can visit their website at https://www.icon-group.com/.… READ MORE

New England Design & Construction Founder and CEO discusses what it really means to be an Architect in today’s world, and how we can change history to build a brighter future for the industry.
Show highlights include: 

The existing builder/architect relationship is set up to be adversarial (2:01)
How an 1800s group of architects created the current status quo of building (and how you can improve it) (4:44)
It’s not about picking sides it’s about how do we collaborate and communicate better (8:22)
The odd way builders have lost their social status—and how our industry can get it back (8:34)
The systemic reason why  builders have a bad reputation—how it leaves clients worse off (17:29)
A simple word-for-word script that makes your projects more successful for the architect, the client and yourself.… READ MORE

Show Highlights Include:

The “Scrum Method” for managing every project in your company (without any project devolving into chaos) (5:50)
How to add more cognitive diversity into every project in your construction company (without wasting everyone’s time) (12:22)
Why unleashing a project’s chaos onto a board helps every teammate tackle their responsibilities with clarity (20:35)
How a visual system for project management ensures everybody knows where a project stands and what needs to be done (22:07)
How to reduce your number of project-destructing “grenades” to zero (24:07)
The “Backlog” trick for only working on important tasks instead of putting out fires every day (26:08)

If you’d like to connect with John, you can visit Alair Homes Calgary on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/alaircalgary/ or Byron Brooks’ page here: https://www.instagram.com/byron_brooks_yyc.… READ MORE

When it comes to the economy you need to block out the noise and don’t be swayed by over-hyped headlines. Make your decisions based on data. Economic forecasting, using leading indicators, will better position your business to thrive over the next decade.… READ MORE

Homeowners go through an emotional roller coaster while their home is being built or renovated.
It’s easy to see why. Their normal lives get turned upside down from the chaos of construction
When things go sideways, clients want to blame someone for their discomfort.… READ MORE

As builders, we pride ourselves on doing good work for our community. We build the places that raise families, foster small businesses and enrich the lives of those around us. That’s why we invest in equipment that gets the job done right.… READ MORE

Our guest on this episode started out as a bricklayer from London, England. Learn how he developed a mindset, habits, systems, and relationships that have got him into some of the world’s most exclusive circles.… READ MORE

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