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Most real estate investors think they’re competing against other local investors. But that’s not quite true. In reality, all local real estate investors compete against Big Tech companies in Silicon Valley. READ MORE

Great marketing is always based in truth. But that doesn’t mean it’s always based in reality. 
Here’s what I mean: 
Even if a given marketing strategy has a 99% success rate, it still fails 1% of the time.READ MORE

Google rolled out a new link spam update to their SEO algorithm on Jul 27, 2021. Will this new update affect your site’s rankings? 
If you were involved in manipulating Google’s algorithm by using spammy “hacks,” then your results might suffer.READ MORE

New regulations on SMS marketing are coming down the pipeline. Committing some of these “criminal” mistakes results in fines — sometimes up to tens of thousands of dollars.
That’s the bad news.… READ MORE

As a real estate investor, you know the market is crowded. It can even feel like your area is saturated.
In this Episode, you learn how to protect yourself from the woes of the market by building competitive advantage.READ MORE

Getting started as an investor is the hardest part. You’ve got all this information, but you don’t know where to start. And while you watch others close deals and quit their day jobs, you’re still stuck in the “getting started” phase. READ MORE

Many investing businesses start slowly. They inch closer to their first few deals and then generate a few leads before they carve out their own space in the market. While this process takes years for most investors, today’s guest David Bokman has leapfrogged the journey to investing success, taking his business well into 7 figures within a few years. READ MORE

If you’re a real estate investor and you want to get started in online marketing, you know there’s a lot to learn: Targeting, retargeting, custom audiences, ad sets, split tests and more. 
It can be overwhelming, but you need to fix something else first.READ MORE

As a real estate investor, you might feel like you follow a predefined path: Generate leads, close your first deals. As soon as leads flow consistently, you hire a team. Your business mushrooms and your team handles enough work for you to retreat from the day-to-day to watch the money pour in with minimal work.READ MORE

Have you ever noticed how most government programs fail? The reason they do is because there are multiple competing criteria for success. 
Real estate investors make this same mistake when they’re running ads.READ MORE

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