In fact, after writing sales copy for almost a quarter of a century as a full time gig (mostly writing for my own businesses)… I’m starting to view what drives top performers for what it REALLY is…
A mental illness.… READ MORE
As an entrepreneur, it’s inevitable you’re going to ride the rollercoaster of momentum: Ups and downs. Highs and lows. Some days, you’ll be at the peak of your game. Other days, you’ll feel at rock bottom, ready to hand over the white towel in submission.… READ MORE
System reliability. The predictability of an entire process, device or method used for practical purposes to achieve a specific result and maximum output. That’s the topic for today’s show as well as understanding how to do your best work – every day – without making costly mistakes over and over again.… READ MORE
Welcome to The Taps And Tees Show: The podcast dedicated to showing people passionate about golf and craft beer, the no BS way of marketing their brand in a noisy online world to get real results.
In this pilot episode, your host Marty Mcdonald talks about his marketing agency; Bad Rhino Inc, his love for all things beer and golf, as well as an insight for future shows to come.… READ MORE
If you’re looking for additional ways to expand your online marketing to attract more high paying, ideal clients, then Instagram could be the perfect platform for you.
So how do you use Instagram to its maximum potential and ethically leverage the most out of its millions of users to drive more sales into your business?… READ MORE
Instagram stories are more than circles on top of your feed!
You might be confused on how to use Instastories for your jewelry brand, but it’s actually quite simple and powerful when done right!
Getting people engaged with your content is a huge part of building brand recognition and turning followers into customers!… READ MORE
In this episode, we’ll expose three commonly believed lies about marketing your business online. Lies often propagated by “experts” who profit off of other marketers believing them. These lies can set back businesses by months or even years.… READ MORE
Sometimes when starting in a new job, position, or career, we have a tremendous temptation to jump in with both feet and try to prove ourselves to the world in the hope of being accepted by everyone.
Today’s show was inspired by a recent call with a woman in my signature coaching program who was caught in this trap.… READ MORE
For almost all entrepreneurs, paranoia often carries negative connotations, but you can use it to your advantage in a ‘healthy’ way to create business success.
A healthy dose of paranoia drives you.… READ MORE
You know, the fact that I even have to talk about this makes me a bit angry. The fitness and health industry is rife with gimmicks. There is so much marketing propaganda and misinformation out there, it’s no wonder people get fed up when nothing is working and they keep getting fatter.… READ MORE